Page 4 of The White Witch

The White Witch poked him again with amusement.

Kit sent her an admonishment as he tried to keep a straight face. After several days of contemplating what to do with the woman, Kit decided on a rather unique plan from his usual terror tactics. He was going to charm Stephanie and then reason with her to move on. He hoped this method might work as he sensed how delicate Stephanie’s personality was. Kit never believed in harming women or breaking them down, and he didn’t intend to start. Of course, should Stephanie prove stubborn, then terror tactics it was.

Whatever it took, The White Witch and the evil they kept the world safe from would remain locked away forever. Kit hadn’t given his life to let it escape now.


A ghost! A real live ghost! And he was cradling her. It was one surprise after another. Those keen green eyes regarded her kindly, and suddenly, it hit her. A ghost was holding her in his arms. Rather nice arms, but even so…

Stephanie shuffled away from him until her back hit the cabinets, and she stared at him as she tried to think of something to say.

“Your inn?” Stephanie latched onto that statement.

“Yes, miss. The White Witch has been mine for three hundred years,” Christopher informed her.

“And your name is Christopher?”

“My friends and family called me Kit. Please, I’d much prefer it if you also consented to call me that. It would bring many fond memories to hear Kit spoken once again,” Kit charmed her.

Stephanie’s eyes narrowed.

“I don’t like or trust men,” she blurted, to her shock.

“Oh. Should I keep a safe distance from you?” Kit asked, looking concerned.

Stephanie barely refrained from an un-lady-like snort. “Yes, please. Are you really a ghost? You look quite solid to me,” she said as she gazed at him. In fact, the spirit appeared as real as she did.

Moments later, Kit disappeared from her view, and she shrieked in shock. Seconds passed, and he reappeared as a faint outline.

“Does that answer your question? I can manifest and appear as human as you are or be the spook that people write stories about, a floaty spectral thing,” Kit drawled. He appeared amused at the look on Stephanie’s face.

“Just stay visible,” Stephanie replied weakly, waving a hand.

What on earth was happening? Had she gone mad at last? No doubt if she had, that would cheer Justin up no end… no wait, he was dead too. Stephanie’s eyes narrowed on Kit.

“Did Justin send you to haunt me?” she demanded as anger fired in her belly.

“Justin? I know of no one called this name,” Kit answered.

“Liar! Justin’s just died; I bet he’s not strong enough, so he sent you!” Stephanie accused.

“I beg your pardon; I am a gentleman, and, as such, do not lie to innocent women!” Kit said, outraged.

“Prove it!” Stephanie challenged. She was tired of being messed with and people making a fool of her. And that included ghosts.

“Come,” Kit ordered and vaporised.

“Neat trick,” Stephanie muttered, getting to her feet.

A shriek left her lips again as Kit shoved his head through the door. “I apologise. I forgot you need to open the doors.”

The door opened, and Stephanie felt faint. It really looked like her inn was haunted, which sucked.

“Come,” Kit’s order drifted down the hallway, and Stephanie swallowed a sigh. She marched after him, noting that Kit was taking her towards the door that separated her quarters from the rest of the inn.

The door swung open, and Kit stood outside. He beckoned her to the landing and pointed at a door which was locked.

“I don’t have a key for that,” Stephanie informed Kit.