Page 25 of The Tribute of Hell

“Aww, come on, we have our bikini lines waxed. Wanna try that?” Artemis taunted.

Ace shook his head immediately. “Nope.”

“You sure baby?” Artemis asked, lathering more wax on him.

Beside Ace, both Diesel and then Gunner screeched.

“Too high!” Gunner yelled in a strangled tone.

Autumn peered closely at her husband’s legs and frowned. “Are you kidding me? That’s only mid-thigh,” Autumn said. “Here honey, give me that jar and stick.” Autumn beckoned to the girl attending Gunner.

“Don’t you dare give her that,” Gunner growled as he wiped tears from his eyes.

“I’ll donate one hundred bucks,” Autumn said, waggling her fingers.

“I’ll double it. Whatever she bids, I’ll double,” Gunner said, his voice hoarse.

Autumn took advantage of his distraction and slapped a line of wax near his groin. I winced in sympathy. Gunner was about to feel a shit load of pain.

“Two hundred,” Autumn said, her tongue poking out as she rubbed a waxing strip onto Gunner’s leg.

“Honey girl, what the fuck… oh you bastard bitch. Motherfucker! I want a divorce!” Gunner wailed as Autumn ripped the strip off and Gunner screamed. He curled into a ball as Axel roared with laughter.

Moments later, Ace jumped up and backed away.

“Five thousand and you don’t do to me what she just did to him!” Ace spat, looking terrified.

“Ten thousand and you let me do that!” Artemis retorted.

“Fifteen!” Ace shrieked high-pitched.

“Twenty to watch Artemis do it—and you can’t bid again!” Drake ordered Ace.

Ace looked completely mutinous. Oh, there was going to be trouble.

“Twenty thousand for Drake to have his bikini line waxed,” Ace shot back in revenge.

Drake paled as Diesel added another five, and so did Gunner.

“Thirty thou!” I squealed.

Drake sent me a look of disgust.

“And I’ll add ten if he goes last, because he’s going to tease the shit out of his men,” Chance said with a grin. “And nobody is allowed to bid on me!”

“Shithead,” Drake muttered as the crowd around us roared with laughter.

“Can’t back out now, asshole!” Chance teased.

Movement caught my attention, and I peered through the crowd.

“Oh no,” I groaned as I saw Eddie and the Princesses heading towards the Legacies.

“We’ll head them off,” Phoe said, nodding to some of the Rage old ladies who were milling around.

I let out a sigh of relief as Phoe and the others intercepted the two groups and separated them. Honestly, I adored the children, but those Rage kids were hell on wheels. Chance was looking forward to when Hellfire’s youngsters grew and started their antics. Although with Rooster’s three boys, that was not far away. Those children were into everything. And speaking of Kit, Finn, and Brax, my eyes narrowed as I tried to find them amongst the crowd. And for that matter, I couldn’t see Troy either.

This wasn’t good.