“You Daddy?” she asked.

“Always your daddy,” Chance replied, sounding choked.

Isla lit up.

“No go back?”

“Nope, you’re here forever with Mommy and Daddy,” Chance confirmed. His eyes observed her carefully. We took our cues from her.

Isla grinned and then, to the shock of both of us, leapt at Chance, who caught her. Letting her lead, Chance chuckled as she tickled him, and I stood and watched my beautiful family play. Maybe this was the start of the healing process for both of us.

Then again, maybe not, I thought as Chance sent me a wary glance. It was as if he expected me to freak out constantly. And I didn’t deserve that. Not from him. I’d had an emotional breakdown, one brought on by PTSD. If Chance could not—and it seemed he honestly couldn’t—understand that, then we desperately needed that appointment booked in two days with Janet.

Truthfully, I was sick of Chance treating me like glass. Hell, we hadn’t even slept together since I’d broken. The few times I’d tried to instigate sex, Chance had blown me off. And considering his high sex drive, he had to have blue balls by now. There was no way Chance was cheating on me. He was too loyal, and I know he loved me still. But something had to give, and short of tying him to the bed when he was asleep and ravishing him, I was at my wits’ end.

I loved my husband, and I knew he loved me. This was just a stumbling block that somehow we couldn’t get past. But I’d find a way, that was for sure.

Chapter Two.


While sorting through the garage and checking items off my list, there was a tap at the door. I looked up to investigate the interruption and saw Tati standing there.

My lips pursed together. No doubt Chance had informed her of my hoard, and she was there to offer help. It stung that Chance had so little faith in me. But I guess I deserved it.

Then again, I didn’t. Janet, my therapist, was helping me work through these feelings, and I finally felt strong enough for Chance to attend one and hear my thoughts in a neutral place. I’d finally let him in.

But that didn’t matter now; I had an old lady to deal with.

“Hello,” I announced as Tati let herself in.

“Hey, wow, look at this haul!” Tati exclaimed, looking around.

“Yes, people donated to the fundraiser. Even brothers from Rage, as well as our club, stepped up,” I said.

“How wonderful. Would you like to go over your plans?” Tati asked.

“My plans are fine,” I answered. I hoped Tati would take the hint, but she didn’t.

“I can help. There must be something you need help with?” Tati inquired.

“Tati, I don’t mean to be rude, but this is not an event I’ve just rushed into. The event has been planned for over six weeks. I’ve spoken to shop owners and craft people. They all know their stall numbers and where they’re placed. I’ve crossed every T and dotted each I. There is nothing I haven’t covered or thought of.”

“You don’t have to do this by yourself,” Tati said.

“Tati, you’ve my admiration and loyalty. You were the only old lady Hellfire had. And that alone earns you automatic respect. But please butt out of my business. I mean that with all respect. I’ve this handled,” I replied carefully. I didn’t want to upset Tati, but she had no right poking her nose in.

“We’re just worried you’ve taken on too much,” Tati said.

“And I get that. But nobody knows me better than I do. This is a big undertaking, but I honestly don’t need help. This is my chance to prove to myself that I am capable again. And everyone sticking their beak in undermines my efforts.”

“Clio, we don’t want to see you struggle. Which is why I am offering my support,” Tati replied.

“And who said I’m going to fail? Chance? Well, no offence, but he doesn’t exactly pay attention anymore unless he thinks I am about to break,” I snapped.

“And I wonder why,” a voice said from the doorway, and I spun and saw Phoenix standing there. She had a pissed-off look on her face, and I drew my shoulders back. If Phoe wanted a showdown, then she’d have one.

“Oh? I’ve done everything possible to get help for my condition, so why isn’t Chance supporting me instead of trying to tear my efforts down?”