Page 82 of Hearts of Stone

“More, love,” I pressed. “You know you want more.” My voice cracked as she did just that, and I groaned as another pearl popped inside. “You want all of me, don’t you, lass?”

“More,” she agreed, with a frantic nod of her head. “More!”

That was all the incentive I needed. My wings worked without me having to consciously control them, because I’d been flying for over a thousand years and I would for another thousand, if the gods took pity on me. Their force pushed me up and into her silky, wet heat, a small moan escaping my lips each time I pulled back. I hated the feeling on the downstroke, of pulling back from her even the slightest amount. And so, each time, I stabbed upwards again moments later to recapture the feeling of her, of being buried so deep inside her that she might never dislodge me. And the whole while, my fangs ached, instinct pushing me to take the natural next step.

To bite into her neck, to leave a savage brand that would declare the truth to the world. That she belonged to me and I her, from now until the end of time. Instead I nipped at her neck, a faint imitation of the real thing. Jade reacted by turning her head sideways, baring that creamy slope to my mouth, an instinctive surrender.

Fuck, when I considered the torture of the near-constant temptation I felt whenever I was around her: to touch her, drag her closer, bury my face in her hair and taste her sweet lips. It wasnothingin comparison to this. My mouth might fill with saliva at the thought of tasting her, my hands ached with the need to caress every inch of her body. But this? I wanted to strike like a snake, staking my claim, making her mine in every way. Instead, I pressed the gentlest of kisses there. Soon, I promisedmyself, soon. But as if in response to that, her whole body jerked, her cunt snapping down tight around me, pressing the pearls right down into the core of me, forcing me to erupt.

No matter what might happen in the future, I’d never forget this moment, ever. We landed heavily, the other two with us seconds later.

“Oh my god…” Jade groaned as I held her to balance her and pulled myself free.

My seed gushed down her thighs, but my mate did not recoil in shame. Instead, she stood running her hands through the mess, laughing.

“More?” I asked her.

“God, yes, more,” she said and that was our cue.

“Bring the wine, brothers,” I told them, my smile wide, my fangs flashing in the moonlight. “Because tonight we celebrate.”

Chapter 46


Gods, the sweetness of the satyr’s wine had nothing on our mate. I flew downwind of Carrick as he carried her home and caught her scent on the wind, the sounds of her moans. Graven muttered dire threats about what would happen to our brother if any harm came to Jade, but I knew he would never chance that. Carrick allowed himself to be free as he carried our mate back home, to bury himself in her as he went, to take her over and over as we all ached to do, right up until we landed on the roof of the house.

“God, yes. More,” Jade cried out, a greedy smile on her face, and I’d never been happier to hear that word. It was a battle cry, summoning all of us to serve beneath her banner.

“Bring the wine, brothers.” Carrick looked understandably smug. “Because tonight we celebrate.”

But I wasn’t about to worry about wine, not when she was in front of me, ripe to be tasted. I dived forward, collecting Jade up into my arms and she let out an excited squeal, wrapping her arms around my shoulders as I carried her downstairs. She was a picture of lazy satisfaction as I laid her down on the bed, butwhen I started trying to wrestle her clothes off, something else rose. Her eyes went wide as I tore those damn trousers in half, using the hole Carrick had already made and enlarging it.

“Oh my god…” she hissed, looking down in alarm, but just as I feared I’d done the wrong thing, she laughed and drew my head back down to her mouth.


“Yes, my mate?” I got that out in between kisses that deepened each time I went back for more.

“You turned to stone on me.”

“I didn’t want to.” I tried to pull back, but she demanded my lips. “Never that.” Another kiss, then another. “It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

“Youwere the hardest thing I’ve ever done…” I blinked, saw her eyes sparkling with a manic light brought on by the wine. “I mean, I wasn’t completely finished and…”

My claws slammed down on her thighs to stop them closing as she went to rub them together. I spread her wide and feasted my eyes on what lay between them before directing my gaze up to meet hers.

“Did you ride my stone cock, Jade?”

Her cheeks stained bright red.

“I mean, I felt bad about it. You weren’t awake to consent to it and, oh…!” I pushed inside her with the two fingers I’d already clipped the claws from. She was slick, so slick, from her arousal and from Carrick’s seed. I didn’t care. It was all that much easier to find the sensitive spot that was already raised and firm to the touch. “Oh, god! Keep doing that. Just like that…”

“You are always welcome to take your pleasure from whatever part of my body you wish.” My breath fanned over her lips that were swollen from my kisses. “I’ll go to stone, hard and wanting, if that’s what you need.”

“Not right now, I don’t.” Her hands raked across my buttocks, dragging me closer. “I need you, Seneca, now, before the sun rises.”

“We have some hours before that happens.” Carrick stood in the doorway, hoisting the bottles of wine before him, wearing only a devilish grin and our mate’s scent. “And I have some ideas about how to spend it.”