Page 61 of Hearts of Stone

Those dark depths, they were lodestones, grounding me, keeping me anchored even as he moved us in more and more daring movements. Once he had my attention, he seemed to suck that in greedily, a small smile forming, right as his hand slipped lower.

“This feels like a dream,” I said, closing my eyes slightly to feel the way we swung through the air. “That’s what I convinced myself was happening the other night.”

“A good dream?” he asked, “or a nightmare?”

“The best kind,” I said, feeling laughter bubble up in my chest; and wasn’t that nice? It felt like it had been so long since I’d truly just let go and belly-laughed. “One where there were no consequences, no reality to hem me in.”

“And if there were no consequences when you were awake?” he asked. “What would you do?”

“Bloody hell…” I hissed. “That’s the most unrealistic thing anyone has said to me all night, and I’ve heard a lot of crazy things.”

“And, still, you haven’t answered me,” he replied.

“I’d…” I dared a look over my shoulder as we swept down, the angle, our trajectory creating a dizzying feeling that made my gut lurch. But the others had no such issues. Each of the other dancers moved serenely, twining with the updrafts of air, because they were in their element.

And what if it became mine?

Agnes had told me not to try anything more magical and I felt the yank that had come when I’d transformed the tent back the way it was, like a muscle that had been pushed hard, but I stared at my hands then, seeing the bright white glow.

“I’d have fun, chase pleasure, enjoy my fucking life for once,” I replied. “I’d be free.”

“Freedom?” He lifted my thigh, forcing it to wrap around his hip, the hitch of my body settling me right against his hardness, making clear what he wanted to do. “I can’t think of a better dream to chase.”

Chapter 36


I was staring far too much.

My eyes followed Carrick’s and Jade’s progress through the air, unable to look away for a second, even as my wings began to flutter. I needed to be up there, swirling around Jade, ready to step in the minute she turned my way, making clear my intentions.

But I couldn’t.

She was with my stone brother, my potential flock mate. Jealousy had no place in what we had, so when they landed, I focussed on the flush in Jade’s cheeks, the way her eyes sparkled, the musical cascade of her laugh washing over me. Carrick had done well, pleasing our mate and I needed to do the same.

“More!” she said and I stepped forward. Surely it was my turn now, but Graven frowned.

“We do not have that many hours of the night left. We must be back at The Eyrie before the sun rises.”


I shot Graven a dark look. Didn’t he see the light that burned inside her, even when she wasn’t using her powers? Didn’t he see that it dimmed when he spoke so severely?

“But there’s a little more time,” I said. “Perhaps a drink?”

“Oh god, yes,” she said and I held out my arm, pleased I’d managed to identify something she wanted. My whole body jolted at her touch, feeling a strange kind of warmth that drove out the cold of night. “I’m dying for one.”

“No dying needed,” I said with a smile. “This way. I know just the place.”

Did I? I’d spoken so confidently, but as we walked past the market stalls, I realised my problem. When we’d come to the markets before it had only ever been as servants, to be at our masters’ beck and call. Kinder masters, like Ashley, would allow us drinks of our own, but he had been the one that did the selecting. I scanned various stalls, discarding each one as not worthy of her until I came to Silenus’ bar. Master Ashley had spoken in great detail about the quality of the satyr’s wine, so I looked down at Jade and then smiled.

“This one,” I said confidently before leading her towards the stall.

“Whiteley gargoyle!” Silenus said, from behind his bar. The satyr’s goatish eyes were half closed and hazy with drink. The creature was a sot, but he knew the difference between a good vintage and one that had gone to vinegar. “What can I get you?” He turned to take in Jade and his eyes widened appreciatively. “And who’s the pretty lady?”

“This is Jade Barlow,” I said, shouldering closer, making my body a partial barrier between her and the satyr. “Mistress of The Eyrie.”

“Ohh… so that old pile has finally been claimed?” Silenus leaned forward to peer around me, waggling his eyebrows, his yellow eyes gleaming. “Looking for a lover to keep yousatisfied?” His hands moved without him looking away for a second, pouring a drink and then presenting it to her. “I can, on many accounts.”