Page 57 of Hearts of Stone

“OK, maybe I should choose the animals,” I said, shooting Carrick a dark look. “It was supposed to be a gift, not a means to tease each other.”

Space was made for me at the front of the table and I looked with delight at the menagerie gathered there. Tiny rabbits scratched at their ears, regal lions flicked their tails and an elephant swayed back and forth on the spot. But it was the birds that drew me closer. I knew it was a bit obvious for gargoyles, being that they were winged creatures as well, but there was something fitting about them. A sharp-eyed falcon sat perched on a wire and I knew who he should belong to. When I reached out a finger, the little raptor jumped onto it almost immediately.

“I think this one for Seneca.”

The gargoyle couldn’t blush, but I saw the small flecks of dark grey that dotted the tops of his cheekbones grow darker still as I held it out for him to take and then I realised why. His tongue flicked out and across his lips and then he parted them for me to give him the sugary treat. All of a sudden this was terribly intimate. But as everyone was looking at us, I had to follow through, flicking my finger up to dislodge the tiny falcon so it fluttered, then soared into Seneca’s mouth.

The strange dark depths of his eyes seemed to spin for just a second before they fell closed and his eyelids fluttered against his skin. A small sound of pleasure escaped him.

“Goddess, Jade, that was lovely.”

He licked his lips clean and that had me thinking about what other purposes he might put his mouth to, so I quickly turned around to face the others.

“And which would you choose for me?” Carrick asked, cocking an eyebrow.

There were pigeons and woodpeckers, kookaburras and galahs, but it was a proud peacock that was fanning its tail that drew me closer. When I offered it my finger, it stared for just a second, before hopping onto it and I offered it to the gargoyle.

“Vain, showy,” Seneca snickered. “Our mistress is nothing if not perceptive.”

But he got no reaction from Carrick. Instead the gargoyle stepped closer, grabbing my wrist in his hand before ducking down and licking the bird from my finger, then going back to suck any remaining residue.

The sound he made, a low and barely perceptible grunt of pleasure, I knew well, having been treated to it many times the other night. His hands on my wrists, pinning me to the bed as he… I jerked my hand free, much to his amusement, before spinning back to choose one more bird.

“Mistress, I don’t need treats,” Graven said, drawing closer. “To serve you is all I need.”

But the sugar witch flicked her hand and sent a small owl flying towards us and I knew it was the perfect creature for him.

Its wings flapped wide as it slowed its progress, big eyes staring into mine right before it landed, tiny claws digging into my finger. Its head swivelled around, looking at me, the crowd and finally at Graven.

“Looks like you’re going to get one anyway,” I said, offering up the sugar bird.

His breath came out in a rush and a small frown formed and was wiped away, right before he stepped in closer. Ratherthan touch me, he leaned into my space, almost offering me his mouth.

I took it. I brought the owl up to his lips and when the bird launched itself forward, Graven didn’t look at the sugar creature, but me. Those eyes didn’t look away for a second as the bird sailed in, then dissolved into nothing but sweetness. Our gazes remained locked as he closed his mouth and swallowed, but when he went to pull away my thumb went out, brushing a tiny smear of sugar away. Some devil inside me had me bringing it to my mouth, perhaps it was because I got another little frisson of sugary pleasure.

Or perhaps it was something else.

I didn’t get to sort that out because people surged in, wanting their own tastes and that left me to consider much more practical concerns.

“How much do we owe you?” I asked, pulling my phone out and belatedly hoping she took electronic payments.

The woman just shook her head, flicking her hand to send a flock of sparrows sailing through the air which the other members of the crowd snatched from the air.

“You are the Whiteley.”

“Um… I’m the Barlow. Sorry, Jade Barlow.” I offered her my hand and the woman stared at it, then smiled, before shaking it, a similar sizzling feeling running through me before I was forced to pull it back.

“But you control the Whiteley fortune,” she insisted, nodding to the gargoyles. “All payment will be settled by those that represent your house. It is a pleasure to have served you.”

What did that mean? I wondered, but Carrick took my hand.

“C’mon, Jade, there’s more to see.”

Chapter 34


They didn’t understand. I watched Carrick and Seneca point out new and more exciting sights for our mate to see, but they didn’t get it. If she was not strong, if she could not hold her own against the others of the First Families, we would lose her, our home, everything. We would keep her safe at night. Each one of us would fight until we were little more than dust, but… That could be our fate if one of the families saw her as weak, unable to stand against them during a daytime coup. I would talk to Harold, discuss what human technology could be deployed to keep The Eyrie safe during the day but… None of that was as important as helping Jade discover her own power.