Page 80 of Hearts of Stone

“Undo your button,” he urged, his voice suddenly deeper, gravelly.

“Gods, Carrick,” Graven hissed. “You’d debauch our mate in a public place?” His tone and his expression were the same: furious.

“Debauch?” Carrick’s lusty expression shifted to one that was darker, almost malevolent, and I didn’t like it one bit. “Debauching is for satyrs.” He nodded to where Silenus and Daniel were shifting closer and closer to each other. “Jade is no tumble in the grass for me. She is my world and I would do anything to keep her happy.” His dark eyes burned as they flicked back to meet mine. “So undo your button, sweet mate. I smell your desire and I would satisfy it.”

I looked around me and saw no one was looking our way. We were tucked away in a corner table, the only thing close to me was the bar itself, but… Daniel was at the table and Graven was staring down at me with a forbidding expression.

Which was perhaps why I did what I did.

Graven wanted to protect me, I knew that. He’d made that clear in everything he did, which was so refreshing. To be cared for? That was something I felt like I hadn’t experienced in such a long time that my soul sucked it up greedily. But along with my need to be nurtured, there was a desire for pleasure, to lose myself in the sort of ecstasy I’d only found with these gargoyles.

The pain of not knowing how to change Wulfstan’s fate was a familiar thing. I felt powerless, useless, but also strangely responsible and that was all part and parcel of a heavy yoke I wasn’t prepared to put back on, not just yet. So, I reached down under the table, my eyes on the crowd around us, but then onlyon Carrick and Seneca. My lover of last night leaned forward, those massive arms that had held me so tight flexing as he watched my every move, and I knew he was eager to learn more.

Yes, that, I thought.Keep watching me. Keep seeing me.

Biting my lip, trying to appear as if there was nothing untoward going on beneath the table, I flicked the button of my jeans open with quivering fingers, and his tail slid along the zipper before easing it down.

Leathery, slightly roughened skin against mine, it felt insanely intimate right now, a little gasp escaping me before I could stifle it. Oh, god, his tail moved like a tentacle, wedging itself in between the denim and my skin, each little wiggle sending dull waves of pleasure that I knew would get so much more intense if he worked it lower. With another quick look to check on the other patrons, I put my hands behind me and straightened my arms so I could lean back and enable easier access.

“Gods above…” Graven growled, then his wings flapped outward, creating a kind of tent around us that shielded me from being seen by any of those at the other tables.

My cheeks flushed bright pink as I stared up at him. I knew that many people would judge this behaviour as bad, shameful even, but any thoughts I had about impropriety were driven out of me the moment the slender tip of Carrick’s tail parted my folds. The feel of it rubbing against my clit was tantalising, despite being a little clumsy and imprecise to start with, due to the constricted conditions he had to work in. But the promise of what it could do, the prospect of endless pleasure, had me staring up at Graven, mutely pleading for him not to stop this.

His jaw flexed, his full lips now a thin line as he stared right back. Galaxies could’ve been formed and destroyed in those dark eyes while he considered what I was asking. when he nodded, I let out a great sigh.

“Quietly, little one…” he said in a very low, rumbly voice that reverberated right through me, making me shudder and ramping me up even more. “You’re going to need to be very, very quiet.”

Chapter 45


I knew Graven would take me to task for this later, but as I felt the liquid slip of my mate’s slick as my tail rubbed against her most tender flesh, I couldn’t bring myself to regret it. Her little pants of pleasure, they were what had been missing from this night. I mourned my brother Wulfstan’s fate, but what Agnes had said was true. We couldn’t do anything about the situation immediately, or perhaps for some time. Not until our mistress was strong enough to control the power inside her. That did not mean we couldn’t enjoy the night.


My cock was so hard, seed was leaking from the end. I remembered just what her tight little cunt had felt like as she’d squeezed all of the pearls she could take and I needed that again, so much that my balls were aching with it. But first I needed to tend to my mate. She had her own pearl and I knew when I found it, because she shot up to sit ramrod straight on the bench seat, her eyes wide, before looking nervously around.

“Perhaps we should take this back to The Eyrie?” Seneca said, swallowing hard.

“We will. But not yet,” I told him before turning to Jade. “You look so beautiful when we please you, my mate.”

“Ohh…?” Jade said, her response more a gasp than any sort of coherent reply.

She swayed on her seat, eyes shut tight, her little mewling breaths turning heavier. Graven’s wings tightened around us all to keep that beauty for our eyes alone.

“What the hell are you doing to our mate?” Seneca hissed.

“I don’t need to tell you which hole it goes in, do I, fledgling?” I said with a smirk.

“You arrogant bastard,” he shot back. “Do I need to remind you that I was the one Jade chose last night. Me.”

“And you turned to stone while still inside her, didn’t you?” His cheeks darkened slightly. “No matter: we left things too late, but that will not happen tonight.” I focussed back on Jade. “Come for me, beautiful girl, just once and I’ll take as many bottles of wine as we can carry back to the estate and demonstrate exactly what can be done with them.”

My focus narrowed back down to just her and the way she felt against my tail: the slippery feel of her folds parting, the way her little pearl hardened as it peeked out of its hood, showing how it needed this, just like she did. But as I began to set up a good rhythm, I found I wasn’t the only one that wanted to be part of the action.

“Fledgling…” I growled as I felt another tail slide against mine. It couldn’t be Graven. That male was quietly losing his mind at such a public disgrace.

“We need to learn to work together,” Seneca said, eyes bright, completely unrepentant. I winced as his tail shoved mine against the teeth of Jade’s zip, but then it wriggled lower.