“Jade, you haven’t—”
I knew she was close. I could feel it in the way her body opened to me, welcoming me in with everything I did. I needed more, to feel her burst all over my face, but she had other ideas. I was shoved back onto my heels again, my wings flapping out in response and she moved into their safe harbour, wrapping her arms around my neck. She sucked the taste of herself off my lips, right before she asked for more.
“Seneca, if this is too soon, you need to let me know.” Her hand was back, toying with one pearl, then the next, until I was chanting the alchemical periodic table backwards. “Seneca?”
I knew what she wanted as she climbed astride me, my hands going out to grab her hips, then lower her down slowly.
“Gods…” I hissed at the first kiss of her cunt on the crown of my cock. “Gods, Jade…”
“Tell me this is what you want,” she asked, turning my own question against me.
“More than anything I’ve ever wanted in the world,” I assured her, “but…”
Whatever I had to say, it was driven out of my mind by the feel of her working herself down.
She couldn’t take me with one downward stroke, and I felt curiously proud of that. It ensured my pearls pressed right up against the place she needed them the most. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tight for just a second to breathe in her beautiful floral scent. I could feel her heart beating in her chest like a moth caught in a jar, but when she began to move restively, I did too. Thrusting up and into the most glorious heat.
Was this what it was like to walk in the sun? I’d done it as a boy, but I couldn’t remember it clearly. Just long, hazy days that were little other than blurred images in my mind. But therewas nothing blurry about this. Everything was sharp, clear, and so very desperate, the desire to shove her down on the bed and slam deep inside her riding me hard. But I wouldn’t. Not until she needed it, needed me to, so together we worked, pushing me deeper by the inch each time we moved until finally she let out a great sigh.
“Oh my god, I can’t tell you how glad I am that you aren’t dream lovers.” Her eyes flicked open and she stared down at me. Jade looked like a goddess, her hair a dark halo around her head, her cheeks flushed red, her eyes shining with a light that rivalled that of her power. She was glorious.
And I was turning to stone.
I wasn’t going to pull out of this position, I was sure of it. My limbs already were taking on that heavy feeling. But I couldn’t surrender to the stone, not yet.
“Ride me, Jade,” I urged, not sure I could move enough to please her now. “Take your pleasure. Take as much of me as you can.”
Her smile lit something deep inside me, making me grasp at the here and now and refuse to allow the sun to still me.
She kissed my lips on each downstroke until they throbbed with the attention and my stillness was a welcome thing, because it helped me hold back. I ached, from the growing cold, from the feel of her, from the reality to finally, finally, being with the woman I’d been waiting my whole life for. My cock lurched inside her and she seemed to feel each pulse, making little cries, her brows drawing together in concentration as she picked up speed.
“Faster, lass,” I urged, gripping her hips, but not too tight, lest we get stuck this way. She heeded my urging, her hips snapping up and down as she sought her pleasure and dragged mine from me.
“Seneca…” That helpless little moan let me know we were close, but so was the sun. I could almost feel its rays on my skin, even if the drapes were pulled closed against it. I was stiffening, in her, in my own body, and for the first time since I made my initial transformation, I felt trapped in it. In the change, in the lack of autonomy. Give me this moment, just this moment, I begged the sun, the gods, everything. Let me just have this. But the sun rose despite my pleas. I tried to tell her, to warn her, to pull her free, but she clasped my jaw in her hands and kissed me wildly, passionately, drawing the last burst of life out of me, right before I turned to stone.
“Oh fuck, I’m coming!”
That velvety clasp, wringing every last drop of pleasure from my shaft, right as the transformation began. My seed pushed through channels that were steadily calcifying, travelling faster in response. But I burst inside her, my whole body jerking up, my hands slapping down on the bed beside me, so as to not trap her against me, the last movements of my body making small jerks of my hips in time with the pulses of my cock.
“Seneca…?” I heard her voice dimly as I was sucked down into the soft, dark, stillness of stone. “Seneca…!”
I couldn’t answer her call, not until the sun rose again, no matter what my heart wanted.
Chapter 39
I’d heard horror stories from friends about guys that bailed straight after sex, others that snored, farted or even asked the girl to make them a sandwich. But I was willing to bet I could top all of them. It took me a second to realise it, but Seneca had turned to stone while still inside me. His skin had that damp chill to it that stone takes on except when it’s baking in the sun, and his cock… It had already felt unyielding and hard, but now… I let out a little yelp of dismay, opening my eyes to search his now blind and unseeing face, shifting my hand to pat his stone chest, and as I moved I felt it.
My sex life had been pretty damn vanilla, but somewhere or other I’d heard about temperature play and now I was becoming more aware of it by the second. His length was cold and unyielding inside me and somehow… that wasn’t a bad thing. I tried to pull free, but it was like there was a vacuum seal inside me. Something tugged so sweetly as I went to dismount, and that something had me pausing.
God, how had witches ever turned down monster cocks with built in G-spot attachments? I mean, damn. Those pearlsseemed to know exactly where to run and as I was trying to work him free, the same thing was happening. I was already dripping wet and feeling damn fine from coming so hard it felt like I’d pulled a muscle in my thigh, but… My body now seemed to see that as merely an opener, not the finale.
This is wrong, I tried to tell myself. This was the same as taking advantage of a man while he was sleeping. Worse, someone asleep would wake up for something like this, but… I actually couldn’t just pull off, instead I found I had to rock myself back and forth to get free. But that kept those stone pearls rubbing, and my thighs started to shake, both from the effort and the stimulation. And at that moment there was a wild flurry of knocks on my door.
“Wakey, wakey, hands off gargoyle snakey!” Danny shouted.
“Ah… Daniel, not the right time!” I replied, my voice coming out all warbly.