Page 59 of Dae'mons and Doms

“Then that’s what you’re eating for Last Meal.” He smiled at her indulgently and popped a cube into the microwave-like appliance mounted above his stove. “Pizza coming up in just a minute…”

After supper it was too early for bed, so Courick suggested that they watch a movie together. Or an “Earth entertainment” as he put it. He let Addison choose the movie and she picked a Disney classic—Sleeping Beauty. It had always been one of her favorites, though she was a little worried that the big Kindred might get bored.

However, Courick seemed fascinated. He informed Addison that he was making a thorough study of Earth Culture and this was part of it he’d never seen before.

“Well, if you like Disney movies I have news for you—there are alotof them,” Addison told him. “In fact, we could watch one a night for a couple of years and never watch the same one twice!”

Courick smiled down at her.

“Maybe we will, then. Now come closer—let’s cuddle.”

Addison snuggled up to him, pressing against his warm, muscular side and sighed with contentment as he wrapped one long arm around her. In that moment, she thought that she had never been happier—never felt more loved and cared for. It was absolutelywonderful.

It got even better when the movie was over and Courick declared that it was bedtime. He had Addison change into her nightgown and brush her teeth and then he sat in the Kindred sized rocker and put her in his lap. He read to her from a book of fairytales until Addison’s eyelids grew heavy and then he tucked her into bed.

After checking under the bed for monsters, he kissed her on the forehead and left, closing the door gently behind him. As she drifted off to sleep, Addison couldn’t help thinking it was the perfect end to a perfect day. She finally had the Daddy Dom of her dreams…well, except that he refused to be sexual with her. But really, when he was trying so hard to meet her other needs, sex really didn’t matter—did it?

She told herself it didn’t and drifted off to sleep.



In the days that followed, they fell into a kind of routine. Courick woke her with a kiss on the forehead and fixed her breakfast while she got ready for work. He packed her a lunch as well and drove the two of them to work in his silver shuttle car.

At work, their relationship was strictly professional. Though Addison itched to be naughty sometimes, she did her best to control her impulses. After work, Courick drove them back to his place and made her dinner or “Last Meal” as the Kindred called it. He refused to let her cook anything for herself—though she was allowed to get a snack from the kitchen anytime she wanted one. It was clear he was taking his role as her “Big” or Daddy Dom extremely seriously.

After dinner, they would cuddle while watching a Disney movie. Sometimes Courick would do some work while she colored in the coloring books he had gotten for her. Addison found this extremely relaxing—she could let her mind wander and not worry about adult problems while she filled in the drawings. Courick even hung some of the best ones on his refrigerator with magnets.

Every night, he would sit in the big rocking chair and hold Addison in his lap while he read her bedtime stories until she got sleepy. Then he tucked her into bed, checked for monsters, and kissed her forehead sweetly before turning out the light and closing the door.

It was a magical time for Addison. She was sure that most vanilla people wouldn’t understand their new relationship at all. They would think it was weird or strange for her to want to be taken care of this way…or for Courick to want to take care of her. But the way he played the perfect Daddy meant she never had to worry about grown-up problems. She could stay in herlittlehead space as long as she wanted and depend on him for everything. It was blissfully peaceful…except for one thing.

Being so near her hot Daddy Dom boss so often, was stirring up other needs and desires—sexualneeds. He smelled so good with his cedar and spice scent and his big, hard body felt amazing when she cuddled against him. Addison tried to repress that part of herself, since he clearly didn’t feel like he could take care of her sexual needs, but the urges got stronger and stronger the longer she was near him.

She wanted to use the toys in her box, but she was afraid he might hear her. So instead, after lights out, she would often use her fingers to try and ease the sexual ache being close to the big Kindred gave her. Her fingers weren’t very satisfying, however. The orgasms she gave herself were hollow—they left her feeling empty inside and wishing that it was Courick’s fingers or cock stroking inside her pussy instead of her own.

For days Addison fought her needs. But it didn’t help that she could tell Courick felt the same way she did. Every time she cuddled with him, he got hard—she could see the bulge in his tight black trousers. And she could feel it when he held her in the rocking chair too—his cock was getting hard for her and Addison was getting wet for him. She wished he hadn’t taken that stupid vow! Because of it, they wanted each other but they could never have each other.

It became clear to her that she needed to do something to change the big Kindred’s mind about keeping things non-sexual between them. But what?

The answer presented itself on Friday after they had been living together almost two weeks. Their time had been perfect—well,nearlyperfect, Addison told herself. Courick had taken her to a fair over the weekend and won her some prizes and let her ride on all the rides. Then they had made cookies together and blown giant bubbles from a special kit he had gotten just to play with her. And then on Monday, they went back to their usual weekday routine, which was just as nice. She ought to be perfectly happy…but something was missing and she knew what it was.

Addison hadtriedto tempt her Daddy Dom into giving into what she knew they both wanted. The night before last she had told him that she needed a bath and asked him to help her. Obligingly, Courick had taken her into the bathroom and drawn a bubble bath. He had undressed her and put her in the tub and even scrubbed her all over with a big, puffy sponge that made its own pale purple, sweet smelling bubbles when he squeezed it.

But though he had handled her naked body and Addison could see the thick ridge of his hard-on tenting his trousers, he hadn’t made a single sexual move on her. He had simply dried her off, put on her nightgown, and then rocked her in the chair the same way he did every night. His cock had been a thick ridge against her ass, but still he had done nothing.

Last night, Addison had gotten even bolder. She had come into his room in the middle of the night, claiming she’d had a nightmare.

“Can I sleep with you?” she’d begged. “Please? What if the nightmare comes back?”

“All right—come here, little one.” Courick had held open the covers for her and she had climbed into bed with him and pressed against his side. She had been wearing her thinnest nightgown and smallest panties. But though she rubbed her full breasts and pussy against him, he didn’t make any move to reciprocate. Hedidget up and use the fresher, however. Addison was almostcertainhe’d been jerking off because when he came back to bed, he went right to sleep with his back turned to her.

This kind of rejection hurt—especially since she knew he wanted her as much as she wanted him. But the vow he had taken kept him from admitting it. If only she could find a way past the barrier the big Kindred had put between them…

That was what was on her mind on Friday as she came into Courick’s office. He was just starting a video call on the viewscreen mounted on the wall opposite his desk as she stepped in, holding a sheaf of papers for him to sign.

He was talking to Commander Sylvan—the Head of the Kindred High Council which made rules for the entire Mother Ship. Addison was about to slip out again when one of the papers she was holding—an important document she needed Courick’s signature on—slipped out of her fingers and fluttered right under his desk.