Page 4 of Dae'mons and Doms

It might have sounded more humane than a pain collar, but Ketha knew the truth—her mother was no great humanitarian. Mistress Morebutt was simply squeamish about seeing a slave writhe in agony. She had all her slaves re-conditioned on a yearly basis so she never had to worry about revolts or runaways. The only exception had been Speaks—after Ketha had come along, he had stayed of his own free will, without the need for conditioning.

He stayed because he loved me,Ketha thought wistfully. But there was no way a big brute like this was going to grow tender feelings for her or her mother—she was certain of that. And having a male this big and powerful under her roof if he wasn’t properly conditioned would be downright dangerous!

But Schulo was already hastening to deny her fears.

“No, no, little Mistresss!” he protested quickly. “I would never sssell you an unconditioned ssslave! It is true that he took a little longer to take to the conditioning than other ssslaves do—that wasss the delay in getting him ready for you. But now he isperfectlycontent to ssserve you. Go on—examine him and sssee for yourssself!”

“Well…” Ketha took a cautious step closer to the enormous Kindred and confirmed something for herself before she even touched him—the hot, spicy, masculine fragrance she’d been smelling since she stepped into Schulo’s office was definitely emanating from the big bodyslave.

Now that he was close, his scent was filling her senses and affecting her in strange ways. Once more she felt her nipples getting tight under the thin green silk gown she wore and she had to squeeze her thighs together to stop her pussy from throbbing.

“Touch him! Examine him!” Schulo urged. “Isss he not a fine ssspecimen? Your mother will be the talk of all Opulex if ssshe walks into a gala with him trailing behind her!”

Ketha had to admit he was right about that. She’d never seen a bodyslave so huge and imposing looking before! He looked like some kind of death deity or maybe a primitive God of War. But could hereallybe trusted?

There was only one way to find out.

Boldly, she stepped up and put her hand on the massive bodyslave’s bare chest. His skin was warm—almost hot—and his muscles twitched under her hand but he didn’t try to pull away. In fact, he leaned down to look at her, his golden eyes glowing into hers.

“What…what’s your name, slave?” Ketha demanded, trying to sound imperious rather than breathless.

Goddess, what was wrong with her? She’d never had a male affect her like this before. But the more she breathed in his scent, the stranger she felt. Her nipples were tight and achy under the thin silk of her gown and her pussy was getting so wet and hot she had to squeeze her thighs together to try and ease the ache.

“Name’s Styx,” the big Kindred rumbled. His nose wrinkled and then his nostrils flared and his eyes widened. “You smell ripe and ready for breeding, little girl. What happened to make you so hot?”

Ketha stared up at him in confusion. Could he actuallysmellher heat? Whether he could or not, what he was saying waswildlyinappropriate. A bodyslave didnottell his Mistress she smelled “ripe for breeding.”

Schulo seemed to know this as well, because he was already making excuses.

“Forgive him, little Missstresss,” he hissed quickly. “He does not mean to offend—he is simply plain-spoken. His people are blunt and ssspeak to the point.”

“Well, thatisn’ta point he ought to…ought to speak about!” Ketha exclaimed breathlessly.

“Examine his ssshaft,” Shulo suggested, clearly trying to change the subject. He untied the strings which held the Kindred’s loose black trousers closed and pulled them open. “It is the largessst I have ever ssseen on a ssslave, and I have been in the ssslave businesss for twenty five cyclesss!”

Ketha did as he said. Dropping her eyes to the space between his muscular thighs, she looked at the big Dae’mon Kindred’s shaft.

Like the slave himself, it was definitely bigger than normal. In fact, it was freakingenormous, she admitted to herself. Even unerect, it dangled down near his knees and the head was almost as big as her fist!

The new Kindred’s immense size made her think of how she’d been trying and failing to scratch her itch all morning. Styx put even her largest flesh-toy to shame. What would it feel like to have something that huge stretching her inner walls and filling her pussy?

The next moment she pushed the thought away. A proper Yonnite Mistressneverallowed herself to be penetrated by a male! Still, just thethoughtof sinking down on that monster and taking it all the way inside herself made her pussy even wetter than it already was.

Styx’s nostrils flared again.

“Mmm, little girl,” he growled softly. “You smell even hotter than before. You like what you see between my legs?”

“Er, pay no attention—the Dae’mon Kindred always ssspeak their minds,” Shulo said quickly. “Do you wish to touch his ssshaft for yourself, little Mistresss? To ascertain it’s sssize?”

As a matter of fact, Kethadidwant to touch him—she wanted to know exactly how huge that monster between the big Kindred’s thighs could get. Also, she wanted to feel him in her hand—long and hot and hard.

“Iwilltouch him—but…but only to be certain he can get hard enough for display,” she said, a bit breathlessly. A bodyslave who couldn’t get hard was useless on Yonnie Six, since the size of her bodyslave’s shaft was a point of pride for his Mistress.

“Very well! Touch him, then,” Schulo agreed quickly.

“Yes, touch me, little girl,” Styx growled. His shaft was already beginning to grow, Ketha saw. “I’d love to feel your soft little hands on my shaft.”

“I don’t need your permission, Kindred,” Ketha told him. But now it almost felt like a dare, and she didn’t want to back down. So she reached between the enormous bodyslave’s legs and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. Or tried to, anyway—her fingers wouldn’t fit all the way around his girth, no matter how she repositioned them—he was simply too thick.