Page 12 of Dae'mons and Doms

“Well, at any rate, it’s a good thing the insurance paid to have it replaced with a new one—not that I should let you fly it, considering youstillhaven’t made it to any of the appointments at the Conception Center that I’ve made for you,” her mother said, frowning at her.

Ketha winced. The fertility drugs which were still in her system tormented her day and night with sexual need, but she still wasn’t desperate enough to go to the Conception Center and let that cold, blunt nozzle slide into her pussy and impregnate her!

Other ideas were buzzing in her brain, however. She’d been thinking of what Styx had said when she asked him what he did for a living.

“I’ve got business at Ceinex Five Spaceport. There’s a dealer there by the name of the Fry’nox who’ll be waiting for the shipment I was bringing him before your agent fucking captured me.”

His words rang in her head. Could it be possible that the big Kindred was still there, at the Ceinex Five Spaceport? It was a dangerous place, from what Ketha had heard, but it wasn’t out of range of her new ship.

I could go there and meet him,she thought, feeling naughty.I could let him capture me and do what he wanted to me! I could let him breed me with that big, hard cock of his. And none of it would be my fault…

No—surely she wasn’t really considering this…was she? But her mother kept demanding that she get pregnant, and the idea of finding the big Kindred again wasmuchmore appealing than going to the Conception Center.

“I really feel like if you had any consideration of my nerves at all, you’d go to the appointment I made you,” Mistress Morebutt went on, going into full guilt and lecture mode. “If you had anyideaof how frazzled this whole incident has made me! Knowing that I had a second heir on the way would make me feelsomuch better! If you could just?—”

“I’ll tell you what, Mother—I’m going to do it. I’m going to go get pregnant,” Ketha said, cutting her off in mid-rant.

“What?” Mistress Morebutt stopped short, blinking in surprise.

“I said,I’ll do it,”Ketha said shortly. “You’ve worn me down, all right? I can’t take any more of your lecturing.”

“Oh, well—the Conception Center down in the center of the city?—”

“But I’mnotgoing to any center you choose,” Ketha said firmly. “In fact, I might just fly to the other side of the planet and use a Conception Center there.”

“Oh but the choice of DNA is so much less in those rural areas!” Mistress Morebutt protested. “Who knows what kind of heir you’ll end up with?”

“Letmeworry about that,” Ketha said. “Just give me a day or two to get things sorted out. I need to clear my head. Then I’ll get it done.”

“You’d better be serious!” her mother warned, frowning at her. “The minute you come back, I’m going to administer an early pregnancy test and you’d better be positive!”

“I will be,” Ketha promised her and mentally added,One way or another.

She left to get ready for a trip off planet.



Ketha docked in a free spot near the center hub of the Ceinex Five Spaceport—a long, cylindrical structure floating just outside the orbit of a huge gas giant. The trip had taken her almost a full day of flying and she was ready to get a drink and relax before she tried looking for Styx.

Just don’t relaxtoomuch,a little voice whispered in the back of her head.This is a dangerous place, Ketha and you’re a woman alone.

Alone but not unarmed. She’d managed to procure a small canister of emotion spray or ES, as the weapons dealer had called it. A single blast in the face would stop any attacker dead in his tracks. Ketha intended to keep it on her at all times.

She went to the back of her new ship—which was much nicer and roomier than the old one—and changed into the outfit she’d picked for this encounter. It was a classic Yonnite style dress in a golden yellow shade that went well with her brown skin and brought out her green eyes. The top of it was a beaded bustier which barely covered her nipples. In fact, if she breathed too deeply, the dark arcs of her areolas could be seen peeking out.

The bottom was a split skirt made of diaphanous silk and her panties were a tiny triangle of fabric that matched the bustier. They were even smaller than the pair that Styx had torn off her the last time, not even covering her entire pussy—the start of her slit could be seen peeking above the yellow triangle daringly. The back was nothing but a string which could be pushed out of the way for easy access.

Ketha looked at herself in the 3-D viewer and shivered with lust. The burning desire to be bred had grown inside her until she felt like she would die if she didn’t get pregnant soon! Sheneededthe big Kindred—she just hoped she could find him.

Of course, it wouldn’t do to go out in the spaceport showing so much skin. Over her skimpy yellow dress, she put on a modest gray cloak with a deep hood. This hid her face so she could look out without worrying about anyone recognizing her. Not that she would know anyone at a place like this, but it was good to be careful just in case.

“Well, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” Ketha said aloud and her words seemed to echo back at her.

She had a stab of doubt. Was shereallygoing to do this? Was she really going to let the big Kindred breed her and impregnate her instead of going to the Conception Center? If anyone from Yonnie Six found out what she was doing, she’d be shamed and possibly sent into exile. Also, her mother woulddefinitelydisown her.

Then she thought again of the blunt, cold nozzle at the Conception Center sliding inside her sex and shivered with distaste. Yes, she decided, she was going to risk it.