Page 67 of Dae'mons and Doms

“Don’t say you’re sorry—that kind of thing happens all the time. At least with humans. I know you Kindred Bond for life, like some kind of freaking migratory birds, but we’re not like that,” she said tersely. “Anyway, my dad moved out and moved on. I never heard a word from him—or from his other family—until about a year ago.”

“Did he finally regret his decision to leave and get in touch with you?” Courick asked in a low voice.

She shook her head.

“No—my half sister, Lacy, did one of thoseTwenty-three and Metests—the DNA things that are so popular now. She made my father admit everything and thenshegot in contact with me. Apparently she thought she was an only child and she wasthrilledto find out she had a sister.”

“And how did you feel?” Courick asked.

“I didn’t want to meet her at first,” Addison said candidly. “But she was persistent and I finally agreed to have coffee with her. And you know what? She’s a sweet girl—she’s only a year younger than me and we really hit it off.”

She was crying now—Courick could hear the tears in her voice, though she continued to talk.

“We’ve become good friends, so of course she invited me to her wedding,” she went on. “She wanted me to be one of her bridesmaids, but I just…Icouldn’t. It’s going to be hard enough to watch my father—herfather, I mean—walk her down the aisle while I’m sitting in the audience. I couldn’t stand up there in front of everyone and watch it—I might start crying and I don’t want to ruin her wedding. I genuinelylikeher. Even though…even though she got everything I never had…everything I wanted so badly when I was little,” she ended in a choked whisper.

Again Courick felt like a fool. He had been so quick to accuse her of lying and manipulating and then he hadn’t given her even a chance to explain.

“Addison,” he said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“Because I didn’t feel ready to tell you yet!” She turned to face him and he saw tear tracks down both her flushed cheeks. “I would have eventually, if you’d given me the time! I opened up to you, Courick—I let myself bevulnerablewith you. I let myself belittle.Well, that’s a mistake I’m not making again.”

Courick wanted to say something—to plead for another chance. But just then they reached their destination. As soon as he pulled into a parking place, Addison swiped at her eyes and jumped out of the vehicle. It seemed she couldn’t get away from him fast enough.

Too late, Courick finally understood what the priestess had meant when she’d told him he was in danger of losing her—she hadn’t meant that the curvy little female was in physical danger—she’d been referring to Addison’s state of mind and her unwillingness to forgive what must seem like a terrible betrayal.

First her father deserted her and then I did the same,he thought, feeling sick inside.She showed me her truest, most vulnerable self and I stomped all over her and told her I wanted nothing to do with her. No wonder she hates me now!

And only now, after speaking to the priestess and hearing Addison, did he realize how much he would be losing if she left him.

What do you mean ‘if’—she’s already gone,muttered a little voice in his head.

But no—that couldn’t be right, could it? Somehow he had to get her back, Courick told himself. The Goddess had given him another chance at love—he couldn’t lose it—couldn’t lose Addison.

Or if he had lost her, maybe he could find a way to win her back. If he could just stay close to her, his Bonding Scent would do at least some of the work for him. It should draw her to him, even if she didn’t really want to be drawn. And hopefully, he could bridge the rest of the distance between them by showing her how much he cared for her and how sorry he was for acting the way he had.

Praying that it might be so, he slid out of his ship and hurried to catch up with her.



The ceremony was beautiful but Addison’s heart ached as she watched her father walk Lacy down the aisle. As a little girl she had dreamed of her wedding day, but the spot where her father should have been was empty—always empty.

And even now that she was back in touch with her dad, it remained empty. You couldn’t make up for a lifetime of neglect with a few awkward meetings at the local Starbucks. Meetings Addison was sure Lacy had forced their father to attend, the same way she’d ordered him to drop off the wedding invitation in person.

Still, she was able to keep a stiff upper lip and only let a few tears escape as she watched. It was easier after her father sat back down and she couldn’t see him anymore. Lacy made a beautiful bride and her groom was handsome. Their eyes were shining as they took their vows to love each other for the rest of their lives.

That’s what I was hoping to find with Courick,she thought, casting a sideways glance at the big Kindred sitting in the pew beside her. Despite the way she’d tried to brush him off, he had insisted on accompanying her to the wedding. So there he sat, looking infuriatingly handsome in his Kindred uniform of black trousers and boots and the long-sleeved crimson uniform shirt which looked spectacular with his black hair and golden eyes. Damn it, he was such a jerk—he had no right to look that good, she thought resentfully.

She had no idea why the big Kindred wouldn’t justleave. As far as she was concerned, things were over between them. If he couldn’t understand that, it was just too bad. Addison had used up all her emotions for him the night before when she’d wept for hours into his pillow—there was nothing that would make her care for him again.

Or so she told herself. But damn it, why did he have to smell so good, too? His rich, cedar and spice scent seemed to draw her even though she shouldn’t have been close enough to smell it. Trying to be unobtrusive, she scooted a few inches further from him on the pew. Courick shot her a look but said nothing. Addison couldn’t wait until the ceremony was over so she could get away from him!

At last the “I dos” were over and the happy couple walked down the aisle arm-in-arm. Addison cheered along with everyone else but then she hurried out of her pew into the adjoining reception hall.

She fully intended to stay at the reception just long enough for Lacy to see her so her half-sister’s feelings weren’t hurt, but to her horror, an usher standing at the door led her up to a round table at the very front. It was right in the line of sight of the long head table so everyone would see if she left. Even worse, Courick followed right behind her and sat beside her as though he had every right to do so!

Addison hopped up again and he rose as well.