Page 63 of Dae'mons and Doms

In the end, she decided to go back to Courick’s home. She wanted to go back to her apartment instead, but all her clothes and things were at his bungalow. As painful as it was, she would have to start packing everything up for the move back to her own place.

Telling her coworkers she felt sick, she called a ride which drove her to the big Kindred’s house. But once she was inside the neat little bungalow, she started crying again and couldn’t seem to stop. She knew she ought to pack, but she couldn’t help hoping that Courick might change his mind and come back and let her explain.

But the hours ticked by, and there was no sound at the door. Clearly, the big Kindred wasn’t coming back.

At last, Addison curled up in the middle of the big king-sized bed. Pressing her face to his pillow, she breathed in Courick’s scent and cried herself to sleep.



“Are you sure you want to take the assignment?” Commander Sylvan frowned uncertainly. “You didn’t sound at all like yourself during our call—I thought you might be upset I’d even offered it to you.”

“Not at all—and I apologize if you got that impression,” Courick said firmly. “I’d like to accept the position and go at once. I, er, trust you can find someone else to run the Tampa HKR building?” he added.

“Well, yes—I’m sure we can find someone,” Sylvan said. “But you don’t have to leave for the Veritans’ home world immediately, you know.”

“I know, but I’d prefer to go at once,” Courick said. “If you’ll give me the briefing file I can read it during the journey.” He held out a hand and Sylvan started to drop the small chip file into his palm…but then he drew back.

“Commander Courick, I hope you won’t take this the wrong way, but you almost seem like a male who’s running from some kind of trouble or problem,” he said.

“What?” Courick felt his face getting red. “Of course not! I’m just…eager to get back to diplomacy. I’ve been a bureaucrat long enough—I’m ready to follow my true calling again. That’s all.”

“Nevertheless, let me urge you to go to the Sacred Grove and say a prayer to the Goddess—seek her wisdom before you accept this assignment,” Sylvan told him. “If she gives you peace, then come back to me and I’ll give you the file.”

Courick wanted to grit his teeth with frustration, but Sylvan was his direct superior and the Head of the High Council—his word was law.

“Of course, Commander,” he said stiffly. “I will seek the wisdom of the Goddess and return within the hour.”

“Actually, it’s getting late and I’m going back to my suite to my family,” Sylvan said mildly. “Sophia is making my favorite Last Meal tonight and I want to spend time with my twins. Why don’t you visit the Sacred Grove tomorrow and then come back to talk to me? The Veritans can wait an extra day.”

Again, Courick wanted to shout with irritation. He just wanted to get away! But again, he knew he couldn’t do anything but comply.

“Of course,” he said stiffly. “I will see you tomorrow morning.”

“Afternoon,” Sylvan corrected him. “I’m afraid the High Council is meeting tomorrow morning.”

“Right.” Courick nodded. It seemed he had no choice but to wait. Well, at least he was up here in the Mother Ship and not down on Earth, he told himself. Not in close proximity to Addison.

He wondered what she was doing right now. Had she gone back to his domicile to collect her things? Was she tucked into the pink princess canopy bed, curled up in a little ball the way she always did when she was sleeping?

What are you doing? Stop thinking of her like that! She lied to you—betrayed you! Tried to get you to break your vow!Courick scolded himself.

He did his best to push the curvy little female out of his mind as he left Sylvan’s office…but somehow she wouldn’t quite leave…



Addison sighed as she finished getting ready. She’d cried all night and had woken up with red, puffy eyes and a swollen nose—it took a lot of makeup to cover the marks of such a miserable night.

But by now she was resigned. Courick had left and he wasn’t coming back. Well, fine—let him go. It had been nice while it lasted—being able to be inlittlespace for so long and to feel protected and loved, but clearly it had all been an illusion. She’d been on her own before and she could handle herself.

“He seemed like the perfect Daddy Dom, though,” she murmured as she sat at the white vanity table and patted more concealer under her eyes, which had dark circles from her fitful night without much sleep.

But though the big Kindred hadseemedperfect, he had been unwilling or unable to meet one of her most basic needs—the need for sex. Addison had a very high sex drive and she admitted to herself now that she never should have agreed to enter into a sexless relationship with him. It had been stupid on her part, but she had been so hungry for the love and affection he seemed to offer that she’d let her desperation cloud her judgment.

No more, though, she told herself firmly. She wasn’t going to have a relationship with any man ever again unless she could trust him to meetallher needs—not just the ones that were convenient for him.