Page 16 of Dae'mons and Doms

“Yeah, I’ve been hanging around, waiting for the heat to die down before I made a move,” he growled, shooting her an angry glare. “But then you came along and stirred everyone up again!”

“Why are they all so angry at you?” Ketha asked, finally finding her voice. “Fry’nox’s bullybraids were screaming that you’re a liar and a cheat.”

“That’s because you had me detained on Yonnie Six for so damn long and I wasn’t able to fulfill the contracts I had with them,” he growled. “I’ve been trying to wait for a time when those damn bullies were all asleep so I could talk to Fry’nox without raising the alarm. But now they’ll be awake for the next solar week straight since you riled them up!”

“I…I’m sorry,” Ketha said. “I wasn’ttryingto rile them up!”

“Well, for someone who wasn’t trying, you sure as Hell succeeded,” he snarled. “What are you even doing here, anyway, little girl?”

Ketha licked her lips nervously, unsure how to answer. Now that she was near him again, his hot, spicy scent seemed to have short-circuited her brain, even as her body was going into overload. Her nipples were so tight they almost hurt and her pussy was feeling wet and swollen and hot.

“I…I came to see you,” she said at last, in a small voice.

“What the fuck for?” he demanded. “Wait—here we are.”

Looking up, Ketha realized they had reached a massive ship, about four times as big as her own little cruiser. It was painted dark red, just like the big Kindred’s skin and the door was an ominous black.

As she watched, Styx pressed one massive hand to the ID panel and the black metal door slid to one side soundlessly.

“Come on,” he said and pulled her inside. He took off his long black cloak and hung it on a hook on the wall but Ketha kept her cloak on—she wasn’t ready to take it off yet, she told herself.

She looked around as they passed through the cockpit and entered a neat but sparse living area. There was nothing but a single couch that was large enough and sturdy enough to support the big Kindred’s muscular bulk and an entertainment screen on the wall.

“Where…where’s your crew?” she asked, looking around.

“Don’t have one—I’m a one-male operation, little girl,” he growled. “Now tell me why you came all this way to find me. The Ceinex Five Spaceport isn’t exactly safe for a female on her own—as you found out for yourself just a minute ago.”

“Yes, well…” Ketha licked her lips, trying to think how to express herself—to let him know about her deep need to have him fuck and breed her without sounding desperate. “I…I came to apologize,” she said at last, turning to face him. “I thought about what you said and you’re right—we Yonnitesdon’thave the right to kidnap males and make them our bodyslaves.”

“Damn right you don’t,” Styx growled. “You really fucked up my life. I may never regain the trust of some of my trading partners!”

“Which is why I thought maybe I should try to make amends,” Ketha said. Her heart was pounding but she couldn’t stop now—the need to be bred was driving her on. “Last time we were together, you talked about…about punishing me,” she went on in a low voice.

“Punishingyou?” His eyebrows raised almost to his horns in apparent surprise.

“Yes.” Ketha nodded. Reaching up, she unfastened the cloak and let it fall to the floor at her feet, revealing her skimpy yellow dress. She took a deep breath, which caused the bands of her areolas to come into view at the top of the bodice. “Don’t you remember? You threatened to punish me after…after you tasted me.”

She looked pointedly down at the tight black trousers he wore, eyeing the thick bulge of his shaft extending in a long ridge down one muscular thigh.

Styx’s golden eyes were suddenly half-lidded. He leaned towards her and inhaled deeply, obviously breathing in her scent.

“Gods, little girl—you smell even hotter than when I ate your pussy,” he growled in a low, interested voice. “But I thought the rule was a Yonnite Mistress never lets herself be penetrated by a male?”

“She doesn’t. I mean,I’vecertainly never…never let a male do that to me.” Ketha’s voice was coming out all breathy but she couldn’t seem to help it. “But it seems to me that after what my family did to you—capturing and conditioning you and trying to make you our bodyslave—maybe Ideserveto be punished.Hard.”

As she spoke, she reached for his hand and put it on one of her breasts.

Styx took the hint at once. Tugging at her bodice until both of her breasts popped free, he cupped them and began to tug and tease her nipples, sending shocks of pleasure through her whole body.

“Isee, little girl,” he growled softly. “So you think that you’ve been a bad girl and you need to get punished?”

“Yes…exactly,” Ketha almost moaned. Goddess, his hands were so big and warm! She loved the way he was teasing her nipples—he seemed to knowjusthow to touch her. He was tugging and twisting gently, though every once in a while he would pinch harder, sending a spike of painful pleasure straight to her pussy, which was feeling extremely overheated by now.

“And how exactly should I punish you, baby?” Styx murmured. “Should I put you over my knee and spank that luscious little ass?”

Ketha’s breath seemed to catch in her throat.

“If…If you want to, I guess,” she said, trying to sound careless. “Though Ithoughtyou were going to punish me another way—with your cock.”