Page 44 of Forbidden Desire

It’sbecause he didn’t breed you,whispered a knowing little voice in my head.Becausehe didn’t knot you properly.Ifhe had, you wouldn’t still be inHeat.

TheAlphasboth wrinkled their noses and sniffed deeply asIclimbed down from the van, trying to cover myself with my arms and hands asIdid.

“God, she’s hot!” one of them growled.

“Ripeto be bred,” the other agreed. “Nowonder thePackmastercouldn’t keep his dick out of her.”

“She’shis little sister, though,” the first one objected. “Heshould have at leasttriednot to fuck her.”

“Andwhat would you do ifyourlittle sister was inHeatand needed help?”Theother one challenged him. “Wouldyou turn her away?Lether die ofHeatFever?Hell, no you wouldn’t.Youput her on her hands and knees and knot her—breed her nice and deep until you shot your cum in her pussy.Thatway the two of you don’t have to look at each other while you give her what she needs and she can pretend it’s someone else fucking her.Thenyou never talk about it again.”

“Yousound like you know a little too much about this,” the firstAlphasaid suspiciously. “Whatare you trying to say?”

“Let’ssay—hypothetically—thatIwas out on a camping trip with my half sister when she had her firstHeatCycle,” the second one said. “Itwas just the two of us and she’d never been bred before—her firstHeatwas completely unexpected.Wewere too far from any otherAlphasto help her.Iwas the only one there and she was in dire need.Again, hypothetically.”

“Sowhat did you do—hypothetically?”Thefirst one demanded.


“WhatIsaid.Ididn’twantto breed my own little sister any more than she wanted to be bred by her big brother, but it was fuck or die.”Heshrugged again. “SoIfucked her.Imean,Ididn’t seal her shut and give her a breeding bump, butIdidleave a big load of my cum in her pussy.Itwas the only way to keep herHeatin check.Itwasn’t just once, either.Wewere out there fucking the whole damn camping trip—there was no other choice,” he added.

“You’redamn lucky she didn’t get pregnant,” the first one remarked.

“Whosays she didn’t?”Thefirst one said. “Wewent back home and the very next month she came intoHeatagain and did herChoosingCeremony.Idon’t know for sure if the baby she had later was mine, butIdoknow it came a whole month early.”

“Iwouldn’t have done that—I’dtry to find anotherAlphato do the job,” the first one insisted.

“Notwhen a female smells that hot and there’s no other male to help her.”ThesecondAlphashook his head. “You’dbreed her yourself—especially if she was just your sister by adoption, not by blood the way they’re related.”

“ButtheUnbreakableLawsare clear—adoption and blood are the same thing—they’re still kin no matterhowthey’re related,” the first one said.

“Webreak theUnbreakableLawsall the time,” the secondAlphascoffed. “Wefuck our females inFurForm, don’t we?”

“Onlyduring theChoosingCeremony—and even then we’re onlypartiallyShifted,” the first one said. “Areyou going to tell me that you fucked your little sister in yourWolfform too?”

“Sowhat ifIdid?” the second one asked, shrugging. “I’dalready been breeding her in human form for hours by that time and then she said she wanted to be ready for herChoosingCeremony.Shesaid she’d heard that anAlpha’scock gets a lot bigger when heShifts, and she wanted to know how it felt to be mounted by a male in hisFurForm.”

“Shedid, did she?”Thefirst one asked, sounding interested despite himself.

“Yeah—my little sister has always been curious.Shetold me she wanted to see if her little pussy could take my cock whenIwas in myFurForm.SoIShiftedwhileIwas buried inside her to show how it was going to feel.”

“Noyou fucking didn’t!”ThefirstAlphaexclaimed. “YouShiftedinsideher?”

“YesIfucking did,” the second one said. “Bythat timeI’dopened her pussy enough that she was able to take me as myWolf—Ieven knotted her in myFurFormand she fuckinglovedit.Spreadher legs and begged for my cock andIgave it to her nice and deep.”

“Ican’t believe you bred your own little sister,” the firstAlphasaid.

“Halfsister.AndIdidn’t just breed her—Ibred herright,”the second one bragged. “Iplugged her pussy with my knot and got the head of my cock all the way in her womb beforeIspurted my cum in her.Shewas dripping for hours afterwards.IfIhad sealed her up, she’d have had a hell of a breeding bump.”

“Whyare you telling me all this?”ThefirstAlphademanded, shifting uneasily.

“Because,I’mjust saying—Ithink alotof males break theUnbreakableLawsso maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to judge.IknowI’mnot the only male who’s ever had to help his sister out of a tight spot,” the second one said. “Thingshappen.”

Itseemed that the two of them had forgotten about me as they had their lurid discussion about the secondAlphaand his sister.Yeah,Iknow this would have been a good time to run away butIstill wasn’t willing to leaveColeto their tender mercies.Also, we appeared to be way out in the country on the edge of a clearing in the woods somewhere, andIreally didn’t think there was anywhere to run.Soinstead,Ispoke up.

“Ifyou really f-feel like that, then w-why don’t you let us g-go?”Iasked, my teeth chattering.I’dbeen standing there listening, with my arms wrapped around myself asItried vainly to keep warm. “Likeyou s-said,ColeandIaren’t r-related by b-b-blood.”

Butthis seemed to be the wrong thing to say because both of them frowned at me.