Page 11 of Forbidden Desire

Delilahshook her head.

“No—never,” she said quickly. “AndInever felt anything with any of the boysIdated—not until you andIstarted getting closer,Cole.”

“Well, we’re getting a littletooclose now,”Isaid, thoughIstill didn’t stop touching her.Herslippery little pussy felt too good andIliked the way she was moving her hips asIcaressed her aching little clit.

“Nottoo close for me, big brother.”Delilahlooked up at me shyly. “Infact,Iwouldn’t mind if you wanted to get even closer.”

That’swhen something snapped inside me. “Bigbrother,” she’d called me and that’s whatIwas.Itdidn’t matter that there were no actual blood ties between us—the adoption ceremony that had been performed when we were younger had the weight of thousands of years ofPackLawbehind it.Delilahwas my little sister and hereIwas, teasing her bare nipples and spreading her pussy open to rub her naked clit with my fingers until she moaned and bucked against me.Iwas damn close to breaking the firstUnbreakableLawand committing incest!

“Stop!”Ipulled my hands away from her bare body and got out of the bed, beforeIcould be tempted to do even more.

“Cole?”Delilahlooked up at me, a hurt expression on her gorgeous face. “What…why did you stop?”

“BecauseI’myour big brother and you’re my little sister and we can’t fucking do this!”Igrowled, frowning down at her.Icouldn’t believeI’dlet myself go as far asIhad with her—what the fuck was wrong with me?

“But…you were just giving me your opinion,” she protested.

“No,Iwas touching your naked breasts—fucking playing with your nipples.Notto mention fingering your tight little pussy, ”Icorrected her. “Whichis something no big brother shouldeverdo to his little sister.”

“Itwasn’t like that,” she protested and reached for me. “It’snot like your fingers wereinsideme—you were just making me feel good—turning me on.Please,Cole—just come back to bed.Wecan talk this out—Iknow we can.”

“We’llend up doing a lot worse ifIcome back to bed with you, baby,”Itold her. “What’snext—you asking me to suck your nipples so you can see how it feels?Ormaybe asking me to put my fingers up inside your pussy to see if it’s tight enough?”

Shelooked up at me, her eyes wide.

“Do…do youwantto suck my nipples and finger my pussy,Cole?”Sheasked softly. “BecauseI’lllet you if you want to.I’lllet you do anything,haveanything you want.”

Asshe spoke, she lay down on the bed on her back and spread her legs for me.Reachingdown with trembling fingers, she spread her pussy even wider for my gaze.

“I’lllet you fuck me if you want to…if you need to, big brother,” she said in a soft voice that shook only a little. “Ifyou want to put your big hard cock inside me, you can.I…I’venever had a cock in me before, but you could be my first.”

“Lilah, baby—don’t talk like that!”Myvoice was ragged andIcouldn’t tear my eyes from her luscious curves and exposed body. “Youdon’t have to say those things to me to make me love you,”Itold her desperately.

“Yes,Ido—Ineed to let you know you can have anything you want from me,Cole,” she insisted. “Ican see how hard your, uh, cock gets when you look at me…when you touch me…”

Shenodded at the tent in my sleep trousers—Iwas so hard by this time that the head of my cock was actually sticking out of the waistband at the top andIwas leaking precum freely.

“Itmust hurt your cock, being that hard,”Delilahsaid softly. “Soit’s okay if you need to…to slide it inside my pussy to make it feel better.Youcan just hold it there to warm it up.Or…or you could thrust in and out of me, if you need to.Iwon’t try to fight you, big brother—I’llspread my legs and take your cock inside me, even if you need to thrust it in my pussy really deep and hard.Evenif you need to shoot your cum in me.I’mnot afraid.”

“I’mnotgoing to do that to you!”Iprotested. “I’mnot going to fuck my own little sister!”

Delilahbit her lip.

“Becauseyou need to domorethan fuck, don’t you, big brother?” she asked, looking up at me. “That’sokay.I…I’lllet you knot me and breed me if you want to.”

Sheslipped off her panties and got on her hands and knees on the bed.Thenshe spread her legs and tilted her ass up submissively, opening her pussy for me—putting herself in breeding position.

“Delilah, stop—what are you doing?”Idemanded, butIcouldn’t help watching the way her full breasts hung down, swaying a little, her ripe nipples brushing the blankets as she spread herself for me.

“I’mshowing you thatI’mserious,” she said, looking back at me. “Evenif it means taking my own big brother’s cock deep in my pussy and his cum in my womb—even if it means getting pregnant with your baby,I’lldo it,Cole.I’lldoanythingto show you how muchIlove you.Goahead—put it in me.”Shenodded at my aching cock, which was somehow halfway out of my sleep trousers now. “Iwon’t try to get away—I’llbe a good girl and hold still while you knot me and breed me.I’llspread my pussy and take your cock as deep asIcan while you fuck me and come inside me.”

Thethings she was saying were only fueling my own perverted fantasies.Fuckingfeels good for aWere, but knotting and breeding is ahundredtimes better.

There’snothing like the feeling of letting your knot swell in the mouth of your female’s pussy and pumping her full of your cum.Thefeeling of her tight inner walls caressing and massaging you—milking the cream right out of your cock—is a little slice ofHeaventhat’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt.Andit’s even better because you know you’re trying to make the female you’re knotting pregnant—trying to swell her belly with your seed.

Oftenit can last for hours with us—especially in myPackbecause we’re fucking in partially shifted form.Onceyour knot swells inside a female’s pussy and you’re tied together, you just keep shooting more and more cum in her while she milks you.It’slike a never-ending orgasm for both of you and it feels fuckingamazing.

It’seven good when you finally pull out.Ifthe knotting and breeding lasted long enough, her lower belly will already be rounded out by the amount of cum you shot inside her.That’sbecause, unlike with a human female, the mouth of a femaleWere’swomb will actually open up.Thisallows the head of your cock to slip all the way inside her so you can shoot directly into her womb, which can accept a huge amount of male seed.Shootingso much inside her helps to stretch her womb and gets it ready to carry your child.It’sall part ofWerebiology.