Page 9 of Forbidden Desire

“Oh,Cole,” she murmured, nodding at the tent my aching cock was making in my sleep trousers. “Didlooking at me dothatto you?Did…Imake youhard?”

Ifrowned at her.Nobodycould bethisinnocent—she must be doing this on purpose, right?

“Delilah,”Isaid, using her full name to let her knowIwas serious. “Youcan’tseriouslytell me you’re coming to bed with me dressed in next to nothing for no reason.”

“Whatdo you mean,Cole?”Sheshook her head.

“Look,Iknow why you’re doing this, but youdon’t have to,”Itold her.Leaningforward,Itook one of her hands and squeezed gently. “Iknow you missMomandDad—Ido too.Butyou don’t have to seduce me to keep me with you.”

“Seduceyou?”Hereyes flew wide and she pulled her hand out of mine. “Cole, what are you talking about?”

Suddenly,Ifelt like an even bigger jerk.Whatif she was telling the truth and this reallywasthe only thing she had left to wear to bed?Itwas damn hard to think otherwise when her lovely, mismatched eyes were so filled with hurt.

“Okay, fine—maybeIgot it wrong,”Imumbled. “Butone way or another,Idon’t think you’d better sleep in here tonight.Gosleep in the spare bedroom, baby.”

Hereyes filled with tears and she looked down at her hands for a minute.Whenshe looked up at me,Icould see her lush lower lip trembling.

“Isthis because looking at me makes you hard?”Sheasked in a small voice. “Are…are you mad at me?”

Iblew out a breath and raked my hand through my hair.

“No, baby—I’mnot mad at you,”Itold her. “It’sjust…difficult to be around you when you’re dressed like that.It’snot like when we were younger.Whetheryou realize it or not, you’ve got a beautiful body now and it’s hard for me not to notice—even if you are my little sister.”Ifelt like a pervert admitting that, but what else couldIsay?

“Allright,Cole,” she said, looking up. “You’reright—Iwore this to bed on purpose.Butnot for the reason you think.”

“Whatreason could you possibly have, then?”Ishook my head in bewilderment.

“I…”Shelicked her lips. “Iwanted your opinion.”


“Of…of my body.”Shenibbled her lush lower lip. “See, the last guyIwas dating, he said…said that my breasts were too big.”

“Toobig?”Iasked incredulously.There’salmost no such thing as far asI’mconcerned—but likeIsaid,I’ma breast man and always have been.

ButDelilahwas nodding.Togive her credit, she really is large in the chest—more than aTripleD,I’dsay.Maybeeven anEcup.Yetsomehow she was still firm.

“TheboyIwas dating, he said that ‘more than a handful is too much.’And, well, itreallyhurt my feelings and made me feel bad about myself.SoIwanted your opinion as a man—Iwanted to know if you think he’s right.Arethey too big?”

AndbeforeIcould stop her, she was untying the top of her babydoll nighty and spreading it wide, baring her full, luscious breasts for me completely.

“It’sokay, big brother,” she murmured, asIstared at her. “Youcan be honest.”Andshe leaned forward, so that her ripe nipples brushed my bare chest.

“No, baby,”Imanaged to get out at last, in a strangled voice. “No, they’re not too big.They’reperfect—fuckingperfect.”

“Buthow can you say that?Charliesaid they were too big because they overflowed his hands.See?”

Andagain, beforeIcould stop her, she lifted my right hand and put it on her bare breast.

Ishould have pulled away at once.Instead,Ireflexively cupped her full mound, feeling the tight pink nipple nestle into my palm.

“See?”Delilahasked, as we both stared down to whereIwas cupping my own little sister’s bare tit in my hand. “Eventhough your hands are really big, my breasts are still overflowing your fingers.”

“Theyfit just fine,”Idisagreed with her hoarsely. “It’snot bad to have big breasts, baby—not bad at all.”

Partof my brain was shouting thatIneeded to pull my hand away at once, butIjust couldn’t seem to.Herbreast felt so firm and soft at the same time, filling my palm like it was meant to be there.Withoutthinking about it,Imoved my hand, cupping lower soIcould thumb the tight pink bud of her nipple.

Delilahmoaned softly and pressed closer, her eyelids fluttering with pleasure.