Page 15 of Forbidden Desire

“Getover here!”Idragged her to the leather couch and seated myself on it.ThenIpulled her face-down, over my lap.

Delilahtwisted around to look up at me, her mismatched eyes wide with a mixture of uncertainty and anger.

“Cole, just what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“DoingsomethingIshould have done years ago,”Igrowled. “Teachingyou a lesson!”

ThenIflipped up the short, flirty skirt and dragged down the tiny pair of silk panties she’d put on.Whenher ass was bare,Iraised my hand and started to spank her—hard.

“Ouch!”Delilahyelped and scrambled around, trying to get off my lap.Istopped that easily enough by pinning both her legs with one of mine.Thenshe tried to put her hands back to shield her naked bottom, butIwasn’t having that either.Igrabbed both her wrists in my left hand and pushed her hands up and out of the way.Icontinued to spank her ass until it was red as a sunset and she was moaning and writhing in my lap.

“Cole!Cole, please!Please, big brother!”Shewas moaning whenIfinally stopped.

Myhand was stinging—though not as much as her ass,Iwas willing to bet.Iheld her in place, not letting her move off my lap.

“Nowtell me,”Isaid in a low, dangerous voice. “Howlong have you been stripping?”

“N-not l-long.”Shewas crying now, but trying not to.Shewas probably surprised to see this side of me, but she had brought it out herself—just as she had brought this punishment on herself.

“Howlong?”Iinsisted. “Andwhat else have you been doing?”

“What…what do you mean?”Shedemanded, twisting her head to look up at me.Hercheeks were flushed and her mismatched eyes were red from trying not to cry.

“Don’tplay innocent with me,Delilah,”Igrowled. “Iknow what goes on in places like that.Haveyou be giving lap dances?Nudedances in theVIProoms?Whatabout fucking?Haveyou been letting those assholes you strip forfuckyou?”

“No!”Shewrithed in my lap angrily. “No,Iwouldneverlet them do that!”

“I’mnot so sure.”Igave her ass another swat, which made her jump and moan. “Youtold me a year ago that you were still a virgin—you said you’d never had a cock in your pussy.Canyou tell me the same thing now?”

“That’snone of your fucking business!”Sheraged at me. “I’mtwenty-fucking-three,Cole!I’ma grown woman—Ican fuck whoeverIwant to!”

“No, you can’t!”Igrowled. “Tellme right now,Delilah—are you still a virgin?”

Idon’t know why it was so important to me—IguessIcouldn’t bear the thought of my innocent little sister being fucked by some fucking asshole at that dirty strip club.Icouldn’t stand the thought of her virgin pussy being violated by some male who didn’t deserve her.

“I’llnever tell you!”Shespat. “Youcan think what you want!”

“Ifyou won’t tell me,I’mgoing to find out for myself,”Iwarned her. “You’llbe sorry ifIhave to do that.”

“I’mnot afraid of you!”Sheexclaimed, writhing in my lap some more. “Letme go, you big asshole!”

“NotuntilIfind out if you’re still a virgin or not!”Isnapped.

AndthenIreached between her legs and thrust my fingers deep in her pussy.

SomeWerebitches don’t have maidenheads but the females from ourPackdo.It’sa thin barrier compared to what most human women have, but it’s definitely there.

Delilah’swas gone.

Iknow becauseIthrust my fingers deep inside her, exploring her pussy thoroughly and wondering why it was so wet.

“Cole, what…what are you doing?”Shegasped, writhing ineffectually in my lap.

“Feelingfor your barrier,”Iinformed her, glaring down at her. “Andit’snothere.Whohave you been fucking, little sister?”

“Noone,Iswear!”Shewas panting by now, but no longer trying to get away as much.

“Thenwhy aren’t you intact?”Idemanded, still probing her wet depths.