“Okay, this is new,”I wondered to Sith.“Didn’t know this was even possible.”

“Nor I, Lad. Nor I.”

“Seriously?”The words shot from my mind to his all on their own because I was absolutely, without a doubt,shockedright down to my BVDs.

Drifting on the incredible waves of light that had captivated every living being with eyes for millennia, I was lost in the beauty of the miraculous green, brilliant purple, and vivacious red visual spectacle. It was mind-blowing, stunning, and phenomenal, and that's coming from a man who shared his soul with an Ancient Dragon King and could Shift into one of the Universe's own Winged Warriors at any given time.

Sure, scientists talked about the Northern Lights in technical terms. They insisted they were a natural phenomenon occurring when solar wind particles collided with Earth's atmosphere. The particles transferred their energy into light, creating colorful, illuminated displays of green, purple, and red.

Are you impressed? I thought you might be. Well, I had a lot of help, and it took a lot of hard work, but it was all worth it. After leaving the Isle of Skye, I took the scholarly route, studying environmental science, astrophysics, microbiology, physiology, organic chemistry, and a whole host of other disciplines. I literally have ten master's degrees and four doctorates.

(Don't be shocked. It does not mean I'm brilliant. It means I have lived and will live a very, very,verylong time.)

So, since I had spare time between saving the world and hanging with my cousins, I went to school. It was my attempt to make a miraculous discovery that would allow those of us blessed with multiple natures to reveal ourselves to the Unmagical. To become mainstream and live out in the open without widespread panic and another, more heinous version of the Witch Trials - but with a much broader scope.

Sadly, I didn't. Yes, there are many people without Magic who know Supernaturals exist. However, it is a very small percentage of the population, and they have open minds. Therefore, we live our best lives hidden from the world.

I still believe the answer is out there. However, I haven't found the time to resume my studies for at least a century. As my Uncle used to say, 'The bad guys never sleep.' With any luck, the younger generation will take up where I left off and solve the conundrum.

Now, where was I? Ah, yes….

I was once again floating through the Aurora Borealis, talking to Sith, trying to figure out why I was floating through the Aurora Borealis, and talking to the Dragon King with whom I share my soul. Not a sentence I thought I would ever say, but there we were.

However, this time, I hadn't been asleep. I had not been in my nice, warm bed. I had been trying to talk to Nate and the others. It was all too strange to believe, but that was what my life had become.

“I know I’ve said this before, but damn, The Powers That Be sure know how to make an impression, don't they, Old Man?”

“Indeed, they do, Lad.”Sith's low grumble was full of wonder, and then he paused before continuing in his usual no-nonsense tone.“And now, it is time to ascertain the reason for this impromptu and ill-timed mental journey. We can return here anytime to take in the sights and continue your intellectual quest. We have a mystery to solve."

"Right, you are, Scooby Doo."

"I believe I would be Velma in this situation as Scooby Doo was not known for his intellect. The young lady with dark hair and eyeglasses was by far the smartest and possessed the quickest wit."

"Aha! You have been paying more attention to pop culture recently. I knew it. I knew I hadn't left the T.V. on Cartoon Network."

No sooner had I mentally uttered the words than Sith shrouded my eyesight in a kaleidoscope of hues. Neutralizing the colors of the Northern Lights allowed me to see what was beyond the beauty. Propelling my consciousness farther into the depths, I pushed through the cloudy atmosphere until another breathtaking, picturesque landscape appeared. The mountains of the Hinterlands of Iceland, known as Mosfellsdalur, were not only majestic but also millions of years old, full of Magic and Wonder, and commanding as they stood before the horizon.

“Holy crap, Old Man, this is new,”I snickered.“I didn’t realize we were this close to our old stomping grounds. Remember when Nate, Chris, and I snuck off the Isle of Skye and spent an entire week in those mountains?”

“I do,”Sith coughed, trying to hide his chuckle.“I also recall your Uncles waiting atop Mt. Sgùrr Alasdair with shovels, pitchforks, and manure rakes when you returned. They believed a month of living and working in the horse barns would remind you to use caution when yielding to your wandering spirit."

"Yeah, well, I also remember them telling you and the other Dragon Kings you could not – under any circumstances - help with anything other than Shifting for that same month. And you could only do that in case of extreme emergency.”

"Yes, I believe it was when all three of you truly learned the meaning of the saying, 'Everything has a price.'"

“Yeah,”I scoffed."And that price was a month of horse shit and six months of the stench. I bathed four times a day, used that horrible lye soap Mrs. Bee the Brownie made, rubbed off several layers of skin, and still smelled like I was sleeping with the horses long after the punishment ended."

“But you never ran off without permission again.”

“No,”I dryly chuckled. “We did not, at least not until we were well and truly far away from the Isle and our Uncles.”

"And that is called adulthood, Lad."

“Yeah, and most of the time, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.”

Returning my focus to the mountain range, I searched for the memory tickling the back of my brain. I hated it when that happened - still do. Like a radio station that won't tune in or a melody that plays over and over in your head, but you can't remember the lyrics. It was maddening.

So, what was it? Why wouldn't it reveal itself? Why hide? What was the point of that? Why nudge me and then continue to stay out of reach?