Looking into my eyes like she always did, Mom's smile got brighter. "We are so very proud of the man you've become. We are in awe of your strength, your intelligence, and your capacity for goodness. Never change who you are. Never lose your sense of humor or self, and always protect those you love with everything you are. We love you with all our hearts and know we will meet again when you have done all you are destined to do."

Holding out her hands, Mom held perfectly still until I mirrored her action. No sooner was I in position than she placed a large ruby within my grasp.

“Wait. Isn’t this your…?”

“Yes, it is the stone from the pendant your father gave me on our Mating Day.”

“But I can’t….”

"You can and you will," she sternly corrected, the look in her eyes telling me to shut my mouth and do as I was told. As her expression softened, so did her tone. "You will know when the time is right. The stone will burn bright, and you will know you are being led to the woman made for you by the Universe, your Mate, your Lucy." Pausing for the briefest of seconds, she nodded slowly, smiled sweetly, and reassured, "We love you so very much and will be watching you and sending our love every minute of every day."

“I love you both too. I miss you. But I wish….”

"No, don't you dare say that," my dad stepped in. "We were called to the Heavens just the way it was planned, and you have a whole lot of living left to do. Never doubt the plan The Powers That Be or the Great Goddess put into place. Always remember: There are no coincidences. The Universe does not make mistakes. And Fate will not be denied. Now, get out of here and go get your Mate. We love you and always will."

And just like that, they were gone. I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was over as quickly as it had begun. Had they really been there? Had I been dreaming? Was I…?

"No, Noel Archer, you are not dreaming or losing your mind. You have been given a gift," the Goddess Brigid encouraged. "A gift only given to those I know will appreciate it. You are more than deserving, and quite frankly, it was something I wanted to do." Gracefully descending the steps of Her dais, She closed the distance between us and placed Her fingertips on my forehead.

"But I still have no clue what's really happening. Where is Lucy? How do I get there? Who am I battling? What should I...?

With a wave of warmth, an influx of Magic, and a breath of fresh air straight from the birthplace of the Ancient Dragon Kings, the Goddess smiled. "All will be made clear. Return to King Sith. Go to your cousins. Use the Ruby of the Archer Dragons given to you by your parents. Find your Mate. Be well, Noel Alexander Archer, and be happy, for it is not only My wish and that of The Powers That Be but also your mother's and father's."

“Thank you,” was all that came out of my mouth before I was whooshing back the way I’d come.

Immediately reconnected with Sith, I hadn’t even caught my breath when he demanded with the Highland brogue of his birthplace heavy in his tone,"Where in all that's holy have you been, Lad? I could nae find you anywhere. Your cousins were 'bout to lose their minds. The wee Witch said she was goin' tae conjure something called a Dr. Bombay, and I prayed she wasn't talking about that Bernardo Beltane Bombay. Although the man has many degrees, he still is not playing with a full deck.

Furthermore, there is no way he is qualified to offer medical advice or treatment to a famed Dragon King and the Guardsman with whom he shares his soul. Thankfully, your cousin, Nate, begged her to wait, and she acquiesced. I could only sit here like a bump on a log and pray. They paid no attention to me. I have never felt so helpless. Have you ever known me to feel vulnerable?”

“I have not, but it’s….”

"Where we ye, Lad? You had to have been pulled away by a God or Goddess, but ye look no worse for wear. What were ye doing? Were ye…?"

“I was….”

"And was Molly Brown speaking of Dr. Bernardo Beltane Bombay? Speak to me, Lad. Speak to me."

Trying not to laugh, Iteased,“I am tryin' to speak to you, to answer you, but you won't stop talking long enough for me to get a word in edgewise. Is it finally my turn to talk?”

“As long as you have something worthwhile to say.”

“Now, there you are, the grumpy Old Man I have come to know and love.”

“Love? Right,”Sith harrumphed.

“Oh, you know I do,”I reassured."Now, stop worrying. I have answers to all your questions and mine, too. But right now, we have no time to waste. Our Mate is in trouble, and we're her only hope."

“So, I was right. You were Mind Walking as a way to find our Mate.”

"Do you want to go find the woman made for us by the Universe or sit here and tell me that you told me so?"

“What are we waiting on?”

“First, we have to find her.”

“You never do anything the easy way, do you, Lad?”