And just like that, my mind was ripped away from my Dragon King by a clap of monumental Magic resembling a tsunami, a hurricane, an earthquake, and a blizzard all occurring simultaneously. I went from gently floating along and talking to Sith to whizzing through the Ether at top speed, feet first with my mouth open wide and my mind trying to make sense of the unbelievable.

I just knew there was no doubt I was destined to be lost between the dark and desolate folds of Time and Space for all of my never-ending existence, never to be heard from again when I instantly came to a screeching halt. Hanging in midair, upside-down, with all the blood rushing to my brain, in the complete and utter darkness - at least metaphysically - I was just about to once again become a raging toddler when I was turned upright and unceremoniously dropped. Plummeting through that same inky blackness, I landed on a stone floor with my feet firmly planted on what could only be solid ground.

Now, you're wondering why I am talking about having a body when we both know I was Mind Walking, and my body was back in Nowhere, USA, in the snow. Well, it was all Supernatural. So much of what happened in a multi-natured Being's psyche was incorporeal. It was Magical, Mystical, and pretty much unexplainable except to those who are also Magical, Mystical, and multi-natured.

The best I can do is tell you that it's like being in a dream while you're awake, except we can be hurt, bleed, and even die if there is enough of the wrong kind of Enchantment thrown at us. Or silver, don’t forget about silver. That shit will burn us alive, eat everything that we are, and make it so we cannot be reanimated by anyone but The Powers That Be.

Make sense? Oh, good.

Now, back to the story….

Moving only my eyes, because I knew whoever had separated me from King Sith and pulled my happy heiney through Time and Space had the Power and wherewithal to kick my ass with little more than a swish of its pinkie finger, I searched left, right, up, down, and all around. Sadly, I got no closer to knowing what was happening, for all I found were gleaming white stone walls surrounding impressive columns positioned around a raised dais adorned with floating, golden Celtic runes.

Before I could decipher the glyphs, a light breeze filled my senses with the scent of fresh flowers, bright citrus, spring rain, lemongrass, fresh linen, and fruit pies right out of the oven. One whiff was all it took for my mouth to water and my stomach to rumble. As the unmistakable sound reverberated off the columns, a laugh that sounded like the ringing of silver bells filled the airwaves.

My head snapped to the left, but no one was there. Then it whipped to the right, and I found that space empty, too. There was no doubt I was being toyed with, and it pissed me right off. I had no time for games. I was on an involuntary Mind Walk without my Dragon King and needed to know why. Being fucked with did not figure into my plans.

With a deep inhale, I ground out through gritted teeth, “Show yourself, and state your intentions before I….”

“Before you what, Winged Warrior?”

Her voice was soft and melodic but possessed an incredible resonance, an insurmountable Magic with just a hint of a colossal Power and Strength that could end my existence with little more than a thought. I needed to tread carefully, something I had never done very well.

It was time for blatant honesty. "Well, I was going to say before I blast you with Dragon Fire and ignore the pile of ashes left behind, but I'm guessing you are the reason I am without my Dragon King and, therefore, know I would be bluffing."


The amusement in Her voice should have irritated me, but it gave me comfort. If She was having fun, She wasn’t turning me into a greasy spot, and any day I came out alive was a good day.

"Again, you are right, Noel Alexander Archer. However, I have no intention of…" She paused, and I could literally feel her thinking. It was that strong and present and all-encompassing. Finding it hard to take my next breath, needless to say, I was thrilled when She finally started to speak. "How did you say…? …turning you into a greasy spot."

"Well, that is a relief because I'm not known for my quick wit, and if my cousins are to be believed, my brand of humor takes a bit of getting used to. Please know that I meant no disrespect."

"Oh, I know that you did not. I also doubt any of what you've been told is true, but humor must wait another day."

Appearing out of thin air, She stood atop the dais with Her spine straight, shoulders back, chin regally raised, and a look on Her face that assured me She did not suffer fools. I would've been scared if it had not been for the twinkle in Her eye - and suffice it to say, I didn't scare easily.

It was time to figure out whose house I was in and why I was there. Well, She was gorgeous. Of that, there was no doubt. Long red hair flowed in waves over Her shoulders to the front and down Her back, starkly contrasting with her billowy white gown and golden cape. Her brilliant blue eyes were full of the wisdom of the ages, and Her features were nothing short of perfection. The longer I looked, the more I feared I was in the presence of….

"Goddess Brigid," I gasped. Dropping to one knee, I bowed my head and reverently whispered, "Please forgive my ignorance and insolence. I am but your humble servant."

The sound of silver bells once again filled the temple as Her laughter rose and fell in a well-practiced melody. "You are no one's humble anything, Noel Alexander Archer. You are irreverent, insolent, and usually foolhardy," the Goddess chuckled.

“But I….”

Without missing a beat, She continued as if I hadn't said a word. "You act before you think. You take risks that no one would dare consider or, if they did, would turn their hair white. You have always had to do everything for yourself, test everything, and push the boundaries at every turn…."

“I wouldn’t say….”

"…and despite it all, you are one of the bravest of the Universe's Winged Warriors I have ever had the pleasure of watching over the centuries. You are also brilliant with a thirst for knowledge. That, and your unwavering honesty and loyalty, are truly the only reasons I agreed when the Universe made you for one of my most beloved Witches."

Was the Goddess saying what I thought she was saying? Had I heard Her correctly? Had I lost a few of my marbles on my trip through Time and Space, and was I hallucinating?

In my haste to get answers, I forgot where I was and who I was speaking to. Up on my feet, I even took a quick step forward as I argued, "Wait one minute. You can't be… No, there's no way. Wires have gotten crossed somewhere. You can't mean… Who are you talking about? I have not met my Mate yet. I mean, to the best of my knowledge, she does not exist yet. I neither need nor do I want a Mate. I am…."

“You are Noel Alexander Archer, the one and only child of Bridgette and Alexander Archer. Your loving parents raised you as a Null to keep you from the clutches of your evil aunt and uncle, Big Daddy and Mother Archer, who made deals with every nasty character on this side of the solar system to have the Power they thought they deserved."

“Well, yes, but I….”