Page 41 of Court of Beasts

It’s like it never happened, but as blue eyes flash in my mind, I know it did, and I know nothing will ever be the same again.

The meeting room is overflowing with hunters, and there aren’t even enough chairs. I’ve never seen so many of us in one place, nor this riled up. They are all angry.

We linger at the back, leaning against the wall, not only to give us space but to avoid the fury in the room.

We don’t need anyone asking questions right now.

We’ve been lying to our own people, and every time someone looks at me, it’s as if they know it, so I plant the familiar glare on my face and cross my arms. It’s a giant sign sayingfuck off, and I see some of the new recruits changing direction when they were clearly about to approach us.

Jai leans by my side, playing with his knife, and Vale stands at attention on my other side. We look every inch the perfect hunters, our jackets displaying the emblem, yet we are all hiding our secrets.

The commander clears his throat as he takes to the stage. “You may be wondering why I called you here.” No shit. As usual, he wanders around the stage with his hands behind hisback like he’s presenting an invention. “The attacks in which human flesh has been consumed have increased. We are unsure of the type of monster at the moment, but it’s clear this is our priority, so I will cut to the chase.”

“Thank fuck,” Jai mutters, making me and a few others around us who heard it chuckle.

The commander focuses on us and glares until everyone hushes. “I’m glad you think this is funny. Vale, you are no closer on the wolves, correct?”

I wince as all the hunters turn to us. He’s trying to embarrass us, but Vale simply inclines his head, and I watch the commander’s mouth twist in annoyance at the lack of response from my brother.

“Then the rest of our teams are going to be reassigned for now to deal with the imminent threat. Vale, your team will stay on the wolf matter. Oh, and Vale? Find the wolves or don’t come back. The attacks have pulled back, so find a way.” He focuses on the rest of the meeting as I watch Vale’s hands ball into fists at his sides.

The attacks have pulled back because Quinn is home and they are protecting their pack. She has to know we won’t give up though. We can’t, especially now. If we fail this mission, we’ll lose our jobs and our father’s legacy.

Despite my mixed feelings, I will not put that in jeopardy.

Not for anyone.

“The rest of you, come to me after the meeting to check your new zones. I want everyone on high alert. We cannot let any more innocent humans die. This is our job. This is our duty.”

We all repeat our mantra.

“We stand between the darkness waiting to consume this world and the light of day. We always will. Let’s remind the monsters of that. Dismissed.”

The hunters slowly get to their feet, complaining about skipping out on hunts while Vale strides from the room. I exchange a look with Jai, and we quickly follow.

It’s clear the commander is annoyed with us since we have been avoiding him and keeping secrets, and he decided to punish us.

We have one chance to stop our lives from crumbling apart, and that one chance means putting a bullet in Quinn’s head.


Bright sunshine warms my face, and with a contented sigh, I roll over to soak it in. My bedding tangles around my frame, and the long shirt I climbed into bed with is raised, exposing my stomach and ass. I’m comfortable, happy, rested, and fed. I can feel my wolf stretching in happiness, the energy pouring through my restored body. The dominance I usually carry is stronger than ever.

I’m back, I’m home, and I’m safe, and that’s what gets me to force my eyes open.

After the strange dream that plagued me last night, I tossed and turned a little before finally passing out, and it’s clear I slept until late morning, which is strange for me. Even stranger is that no one has come to wake me. I guess they assumed I needed the rest. I wouldn’t be surprised if Jang is camped outside my door, glaring at anyone who gets too close.

I cannot sleep forever, though, no matter how comfy my bed is.

There are things to do and plans to put into motion.

But first, pants.

Sniffing the air, I decide maybe I should shower first. That’s one downside of enhanced senses: you smell every little thing.With a groan, I slide from my bed and pad to the en suite, stretching as I go. Unlike the cold, sterile shower cubicle I used when I was held captive, this one smells of the forest and relaxes my muscles as soon as I step inside.

Greenery overflows hanging pots, climbing down the walls and almost obscuring the edges of the LED mirror. The sink below is a copper one I fell in love with at a market and insisted they install for me. The walk-in shower has a wooden bench, but it’s the huge, clawfoot tub with copper legs that always calls my name. It’s set before a window with a view of our land, my half-finished books and candles placed around it, but as tempted as I am, I turn to the shower instead.

I need to get out there and show my face. I can’t let them think I’m weak, not when I’m going to be the next alpha. Stripping off my clothes, I throw them into the hamper and step into the stall. I press the touch screen at the side and let the waterfall showerhead come on as well as the side sprays. I hit the temperature button, increasing it until it’s almost scalding, and then I turn on the music. Folk music fills the air, and I step into the spray, closing my eyes.