Page 39 of Court of Beasts

The widening of his eyes told me he at least suspected it deep down. He might be my enemy, but causing chaos within their ranks can only help us, and knowing there is a werewolf hunter? Brilliant.

Sighing, I lean my head against the cool windowpane, letting my eyes sweep over the trees. I wonder if they are out there right now, watching.

For a moment, memories fill my head.

I see the look in Lucien’s eyes. Why did he let me go? He could have called out to Vale. Hell, he could have shot me. He did none of those things, though, and instead, he let me escape. He said it was so we were even, but for what? For saving his life? It didn’t feel that way, but I’m not naïve enough to think he’ll do it a second time. If I see them again, we’ll try to kill each other.

I wonder when that will be because we will meet again.

I’m a wolf, and they are hunters.

We are destined to fight, and if it comes down to it, I will always protect my pack, no matter what Vale and Lucien did.

For a moment, my wolf purrs inside me, her dominance leaking into the air. The familiar power comforts me as heat throbs deep in my core. Shit, I forgot about my heat. I mentally work through the dates and relax. I have a month left until then.I need to make sure the hunters are dead and gone before that so I can lock myself away.

The most common time to confirm matings or pregnancies is during our heat, and I want neither. I’ve survived the demanding, red-hot desire many times, since it comes every year. I simply lock myself away in the cages like every other female who doesn’t wish to ride out her heat with someone.

I get many offers, and the smell of my wolf in heat attracts many wolves from far and wide, but like always, I will spend this one alone. It’s like a countdown in my head, reminding me that we need to be safe and sorted by then, which means there is no time to spare.

For a moment, I close my eyes, and a pair of bright blue orbs fills my mind, so I snap my eyes open with a growl. Why the fuck am I thinking about those idiot humans? I owe them nothing! Nothing! We are enemies.

So why does it feel like I’m missing their looks?

I must be so exhausted, I’m delirious.

I force myself back into bed and close my eyes, telling my brain to calm down and think of anything other than the three humans who tortured me.


“Little wolf.”

The familiar taunt makes my eyes snap open. Grey, steel bars are before me, and Vale crouches there. His mocking blue eyes are locked on me, and Jai and Lucien linger behind him.


I climb to my knees. I thought I was home. I escaped, didn’t I?

Fuck, was it all a dream?

Was I just missing home so much that I imagined it?

“You are finally awake,” Vale scoffs. “I thought wolves were supposed to be strong, but you are so weak.”

Nostrils flaring, I take in their familiar scents. This is real. I’m back. The concrete scratches my knees, and my skin is covered with goosebumps due to the cold.

“Time to talk, little wolf.” He smirks as he moves around the cage, and I spin to watch him, wondering what the hell is going on.

My head is groggy. Maybe from a lack of sleep and food?

Either way, I don’t know what day or time it is, but my confusion bleeds away as the lock drops to the ground and the gate opens.

I scramble to my feet but not fast enough. Vale’s hand wraps around my throat, and he lifts me into the air. He walks me backwards then slams me into the bars as I snarl and growl.

He pins me there, and arms come through the bars behind me, holding me tight, as Vale tilts my head back until I meet his cruel eyes.

“You know, you’re not bad looking for a monster,” he sneers. “If you won’t talk from pain, then maybe you will through pleasure.”

My eyes widen in horror.