Page 45 of Court of Beasts

“Run,” Mum croaks, her eyes closing as her hand drops from the post.

The beast lifts its head, its muzzle covered in my mother’s blood.

A wolf.

It’s not a beast. It’s a wolf.

Grinning viciously, the wolf leaps at me as I scream and fall backwards.

I wake with a start, my heart hammering as something moves through my body, drawn by my fear and anger. It almost bursts from my skin as I gasp and fight against it, until it disappears and I can relax.

My mum’s screams still echo in my head. I lost them both that night. Police called it a freak animal attack, but I knew the truth. I saw it with my own eyes, and when the hunters found me, I went with them willingly. My only thought was to get revenge and kill the beast responsible for slaughtering my entire family and changing me.

Lifting my head, I scan the room, seeing Lucien and Vale sleeping soundly in the motel room. We moved here since the wolf knows the other hideout. We stumbled back and crashed after spending all day pouring over documents, and I barely remember falling asleep, but now I’m wide awake.

My mind races, and pain stabs at my heart.

I don’t want to lose my friends.

It’s clear from the way they watch me that they don’t trust me anymore and they blame me.

They are right to since it’s my fault we are in this mess. I need to make this right.

I fucked up our chances because of my own madness and need for blood.

Maybe it can save us as well.

Sliding silently from my cot, I grab my bag and coat, tug on my boots, and then head out to my truck. I’m ready to prove to my team and myself that I can be better.

I start the truck, and when the headlights shine across the rows of rooms, I hesitate for a moment. My gaze goes to the darkened window of our room, the bag of scent blocker clear from the window even as much as we tried to hide it.

If they wake up and I’m gone, they will be mad, but if I can come back with something, anything to prove that I am still one of them, then they might forgive me for everything.

My hand comes up of its own accord, gliding across the rough, raised scar on my neck. My own concern of how I healedsweeps through me before I pull out of the parking lot and turn onto the empty main road.

The streetlights of the tiny town fade the farther I drive into the forest. The moon hangs high in the sky, and the stars shine around it thanks to the lack of pollution around here. I follow it until I can’t drive anymore, and then I park.

Leaving my truck, I sling my coat and bag on, palming my blade since you can never be too careful, and then I lift my nose and ignore the guilt that eats at me as I sniff.

Nothing, just nature. Keeping my footsteps as quiet as possible, I head deeper into the forest, searching for a wolf.

Luckily, my sense of direction is top-notch, and I leave myself markings with my blade to remind myself of the way. If the pack is here, it will be deep within the forest, closer to the mountains, and it’s dangerous here at night. There aren’t many wild bears but there are some wild wolves, not to mention the snakes and spiders.

These woods, which run for hundreds of miles, seem to be a hotspot for the supernatural, so I keep my eyes peeled. It’s only an hour or so later when I realise I never turned my torch on.

How the fuck am I seeing in the dark?

The trees here are thick, almost obscuring the moon’s rays, making it dark and shadowed. Swallowing against my sickness, I force myself to move forward. If I’m right and I’m changing, it’s good that I’m away from my brothers. At least I can take some wolves with me as I go.

I keep walking, and as if my senses or my imagination conjures it, I hear the first growl. It comes from behind me, and I freeze, slowly turning as a black wolf steps from the trees. It’s big, and I know instantly it’s a werewolf.

Another growl sounds, and another, and I turn to find myself surrounded.

Fuck it.

Cracking my neck, I pull another blade and grin. “Bring it, monsters. I’ll take you all with me,” I roar as they leap at me.

In a flurry of claws, fur, and death.