“What did you say about your night together then?” She asks me.

She came over tonight with a bottle of cheap wine and the town gossip that she promised me that first night that I moved in here. Things got delayed with Mr. Miller being in the hospital. When she had shown up, I had blurted out that I slept with Foster and we’ve pretty much been talking about that ever since.

“Nothing. We were at the hospital and then he was worried about his dad. Asking if he wanted to do it again didn’t seem appropriate,” I tell her, and she sighs.

“Okay, but what about now?” She presses.

“Now… I’m worried that he regrets it,” I admit.

“He doesn’t.”

“He might. Things are kind of awkward between us lately.”

“Because you’re all in your head and making a big deal out of nothing?” She asks, and I shrug.

“Maybe. Or maybe he regrets sleeping with me, and now he’s worried about having to break that news to me when his dad is still recovering.”

“When are you going to talk to him next?”

“I don’t know. His dad went home today, so maybe I’ll see him tomorrow.”

“Okay, ask him then.”

I take a sip of my wine, and she groans.

“Promise that you’ll ask him the next time that you see him,” she demands.

“I promise.”

She changes the subject then to what everyone has been up to while I was away. I try to follow along, but all I can think about is seeing Foster again.

“I should get home. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, though,” she says, hugging me tightly.

“Okay. Text me when you get home so that I know that you made it there safe.”

“I will.”

She waves as she heads out the door, and I lock it behind her. I clean up our wine glasses and then stare at my mostly bare apartment.

Maybe work will help distract me.

I grab my notepad and curl up on the couch. Normally, I’m inspired whenever I come up with a new design. I can get lost in drawing and lose track of the world. Not tonight, though. All I can think about tonight is Foster.

I’m trying to sketch when there’s a knock on my door, and I hurry to answer it. I know that it has to be Foster since Cameron just left. I’m surprised that he’s stopping by. I know that he was bringing his dad home today. I had almost offered to help them with that, but I figured that the brothers would want some time alone with their dad.

I’m surprised that Foster came over. I know that he’s exhausted after spending the last few days at the hospital. He and Ford took turns sleeping there and visiting him. I’ve been bringing them food and anything else that they might need.

“Hey, is everything alright?” I ask him as soon as I open the door.

“Yeah. Dad is at home, settling in. Ford is going to stay with him tonight.”

“I’m sure your dad appreciates that,” I say, closing the door behind him.

“He hates it,” he says plainly, and I snort a laugh. “He keeps yelling at us to go back to our own lives.”

“So, he’s an easy patient then,” I joke, and Foster laughs.

“Sure. I think that he’s just not used to being fussed over so much. It’s getting on his nerves.”