“What can I help with?” I ask her for the hundredth time today.

I tried to help her in the kitchen this morning, but we ended up burning the cinnamon rolls instead. I should have known something like that would happen. We can’t seem to be in the same room as each other without wanting to rip each other’s clothes off.

I was banished from the kitchen after that and spent the morning cleaning and rearranging furniture so everyone would fit. I promised to handle clean up so that Olive could get a break, and that had earned me a very special thank you, one that I was all too happy to return.

I brought over all of my presents while she redid the cinnamon rolls, and by then, everyone was starting to arrive.

Olive’s sisters and Mira all loved their gifts. They had gotten Townes and I flannel shirts, and we had all laughed when they realized that they all got us the same thing. I gave Olive her baking sheets and she had teared up a bit, which earned her a teasing from her sisters, but she ignored them. I had smirked at Townes and he just rolled his eyes in return.

“Nothing. Dinner is all set. I just need to carry it over to the table,” Olive tells me.

“Townes and I will do that.”

She smiles up at me and my heart flips over in my chest. I lean down, pressing my lips to hers and I feel her smile widen against my mouth.

“I love you, Olive.”

“Good, because I love you too.”

I stand and head over to the kitchen, bringing the first dish to where we slid some tables together in the living room. Townes is right behind me, and in no time, we’ve got the food brought over, and everyone is taking a seat.

I pull out Olive’s chair and she grins up at me in thanks.

I’m so in love with her. I know that if she hadn’t moved to my town and started to screw with me, I would still be that sad shell walking around town. She came here and woke me up. She made me see what I was missing.

I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for both of us.

“Dig in!” Olive announces and I smile as we all do as she commands.

I’m going to marry this girl.

That thought would have scared me, but with Olive, it feels right. I know that I need to work on myself; to be the best version I can be for her, but then, I’m going to put a ring on her finger and make her mine.

I imagine next Christmas with Olive by my side, a ring on her finger and her belly swollen with our baby.

Suddenly, I can’t wait for the future.



Five Years Later…

“In a few years,you’re not going to be able to leave Elfie here in these kinds of positions,” Xavier warns me as he comes into our bedroom to see me rearranging our Elves on a Shelf.

“These two are just for us,” I promise him, and he grins as he comes over and wraps his arms around my waist.

“Are we doing that position tonight?” He whispers in my ear, and I smirk at him over my shoulder.

“Think you’re up for it?” I ask him and he growls in response, grinding his erection against my ass.

“I’m always up for you.”

He kisses his way down my neck and I smile, leaning back against him.

“The kids are coming,” I tell him as I hear their little feet headed to our room.

He sighs, giving me one last kiss as he turns to greet them.