“Just don’t do it again,” I warn him.
“Never,” he swears.
Headlights bounce over us briefly, and I realize that we’re still standing in the middle of the road, my car parked behind us, and the strings of lights creating a tangled mess all over both of our yards.
“We should clean this up,” I say, and he nods.
“I can. You go inside and warm up.”
“Well, if I help you clean up then you can help me warm up.”
I give him a sultry look and he smiles.
“You’re so smart.”
I laugh and grab the first string of lights. I intended on trying to untangle them and wrap them up, but when I look over at Xavier, he’s just tugging the whole mess into his front yard.
“Well, that’s one way to decorate,” I comment, and he laughs.
The sound still comes out a little rusty, but I’m pleased that it seems to be coming easier.
He may still have a way to go before he’s not such a grump, but I’m glad that I’ll get to be by his side to help him.
Once the lights are all in his front yard, I move my car. I park in my driveway, and he opens the door for me. I smile up at him, and he leans down, claiming my lips in a steamy kiss that has me feeling warmer already.
“Let’s get inside,” I whisper. “Unless you want to take me up against the side of my house like that snowman couple over there.”
He glances over to where his snowmen are still standing and smirks.
“I could, but I think that we’d both freeze before we finished.”
“Speak for yourself,” I say, and he laughs.
“You want to get fucked against a wall? That’s fine, but I’m doing it inside, where I can really take my time after I make you come all over my cock.”
I’m ready to combust and can only stare at him for a beat. He grins, bending and throwing me over his shoulder.
I giggle as he starts to head up to the front door. I pass him my keys and he unlocks the door and heads inside, kicking the door closed behind us.
“Any wall in particular?” He asks me, and I smile.
“Let’s start with this one.”
I point at the front door, and he slides me down his body as he turns and presses my back to the door.
“Start with? Ambitious.”
“You love it,” I tell him, and he grins.
“Yeah, I do. Now, are you ready to be my good girl?” He asks.
I nod, and then his lips are on mine and all I can do is feel as he makes love to me on every wall that I ask him to.
I never really thought thatI was much of a holiday person. I barely celebrated them before, but now, being here in Olive’s house, surrounded by people, I can start to see the appeal.