“Don’t,” I sigh and he blinks.
“Don’t do this.”
I hate that I’m pleading with him. I know how awesome I am. I know that Xavier or any man would be damn lucky to have me.
“We were happy. What could have possibly happened?” I demand to know, and he shifts in the snow.
“I just can’t do this. I’m not meant to be someone’s boyfriend. I’m not meant for happily ever afters.”
“You are. You’re being dumb. What happened?” I ask again, and he looks away from me.
“I was reminded of who I am.”
“By who?” I snap.
“My dad,” he whispers and even though I feel for him, I’m just as pissed off and right now, the anger is winning.
“I didn’t realize that your dad’s opinion meant so much to you. Thought that you two weren’t close.”
“We aren’t.”
“Then why are you letting him get in the way of this?”
“It’s not like that. He’s right. I can’t do this. I knew that I couldn’t be with you or anyone else. It’s why I avoided dating. It’s why I avoided you for so long.”
“Then why did you stop?” I yell, my hands balling up into fists.
“I couldn’t… I couldn’t stop.”
He looks so heartbroken for a moment ,and I want to go to him and hug him, but then I remember that he’s the one choosing to do this to us.
Suddenly, I’m so tired. All of the anger and hurt leave me and I’m left feeling numb and exhausted.
“Fine, Xavier. I’m not going to argue with you, but know this.”
His eyes meet mine and he looks worried at what I’ll say next.
“I was willing to chase you. I was willing to fight to make you see just how great and loveable you really are. I can’t keep fighting though. Not if you won’t fight too.”
He swallows hard, his dark gaze locked on me.
“You’re going to wake up one day and realize that breaking up with me was a terrible mistake. You’re going to regret it.”
I turn then and head back to my place, and as I go, I can almost swear that I hear him murmur that he already does regret it.
It’s probably just my imagination though, so I don’t bother to turn around.
I head inside and bypass the kitchen, walking straight into my bedroom and collapsing onto my bed. Only then do I let my confident mask fall.
Tears spill onto my cheeks and I cry for everything that we lost and everything that we could have been.
I’mbusy shoveling my driveway when Townes pulls up and climbs out. He sighs when he sees me, and I grit my teeth, keeping my eyes on the driveway.