Everything about last night makes me want a repeat.

Every single round and every orgasm contributed in the end to blur pleasure together with the pain so much that I forgot I was even a human after a while. Endless stamina. Honestly, I’m sodamned tempted to leave him my phone number just because there is no way that this can be only a one-time thing.

But it has to be.

I don’t think I can even walk out of here, but if I have to crawl the whole way out of here then that’s exactly what I have to do. Every pass of my sore thighs against one another is just another reminder of him and the night that we shared. I hate that every part of me wants to crawl right back up into his warm bed and let the sound of his strong, steady heartbeat lull me right back to sleep but I can’t.

I hadn’t intended on spending the night in the first place.

If he hadn't worn me out entirely, I would have been at home in my own bed.

Now, because of my own actions - Alexei is going to skin me.

I find my dress in the darkness of the penthouse room and shimmy it onto my body awkwardly. I can still feel the ghost of his hands clinging to me. I almost don’t want it to go away. I grab my heels and tuck them under one arm as I push myself into a standing position awkwardly. I push the call button on the elevator and allow myself one last lingering, indulgent look at the stunning Adonis of a man lying naked and knocked out on his bed.

In another world, I would have stayed for breakfast and another performance.

If things were different, I might ask his name and make plans to see him again.

But that’s not what this is and it can’t ever be.

As the elevator doors open, I blow a kiss in the direction of the bedroom and then I leave before I can make another reckless and impulsive choice to stay.

As the elevator opens to the parking garage, I feel very much like a baby giraffe attempting to learn how to walk on unsteady legs as I wobble my way out and wince away from the streams of sunlight. I should have found and stolen some of the man’s sunglasses.

Finally, I remember to turn my phone back on - and instantly it starts vibrating out of control in my palm to load in all of my dozens of missed calls and vaguely threatening texts from Alexei, Nora and even Jodie.


I didn’t mean to make them worry.

Honestly, I don’t even remember turning my phone off in the first place, but here we are.

It is more than a little irritating that Alexei dragged Jodi, my ex, into this whole thing. He had no right to do that. If I had been going to see her, then I would have at least told Nora. Hell, she likely would have insisted on coming to hang out with us as a trio since she and Jodi have always been such close friends. It’s not like the door to what Jodi and I once had together is still open. It’s very much closed and we are both totally fine with it.

They all should have had my location.

I wanted to get laid and forget about everything foronenight. It’s hardly a crime. My brother did way worse before he got married. Damned double standards.

Irritation ticks my jaw as I turn onto the street.

I suppose that shouldn’t be a surprise either, but seeing one of my brother’s men’s black SUVs and its heavily tinted windows pull to cruise alongside me only pisses me off further. I don’t even care who is inside it or why they are here to collect me.

It’s ruining my morning.

I’m too fucking sore to deal with this right now.

I want to go home and pass out in my own bed for a day, or a week, or something.

I know that I broke Alexei’s precious rules, but I’m going through some things. I would think that he would be able tounderstand what I’m dealing with.Heshould be grieving too! Besides, I’m never going to apologize for helping my friend in her moment of need.

Speaking of, I need to make sure that she ended her night well too.

I push past all of the notifications from my brother and his people and look only for Marci’s text thread and browse the updates that she left for me. One night of freedom is hardly a crime. It’s not like anything bad happened. I’m going to go home and I’ll listen to what Alexei has to say but he’s going to have to back off.

I’m just to the part where Marci is texting about Dario taking her home when the window of the SUV slowly rolls down and the suited man inside of it looks at me pointedly.

I grumble a string of profanities and violent curses before I yank open the passenger door and practically hurl my heels at the man’s head before I take my seat to allow myself to be chauffeured back to Alexei’s place. No doubt he’s already stewing on the lecture that he’s going to give me. Just who does he think he is, anyway, to police where I go and what I do? Normally, my brother’s job and the life that we live doesn’t bother me. It’s not like I have some super strict moral code that I follow here, but I’m allowed to go out for a night and get laid if I want to. No amount of overprotective alphahole behaviors is going to change who I am.