I lose track of how many songs we dance to. After a good, long while, we take a break and head over to the bar for a much needed drink. She doesn’t wait for me to ask for her order, simply starts to take care of business herself. I wonder at what point in her life she decided that she needed to be the one to handle things like this. I know enough of her brother to know that it can’t be because of him. Perhaps a residual trait that was forced upon her by her father? Not much is known about her parentage. At least, nothing personal is known about them and the window of her mother has been shut forever. So, there’s not going to be any help to be had there.

Katya leans over the bar’s polished surface and pushes her arms together in a way that accentuates her breasts perfectly as she winks at the bartender. It’s no surprise that he drops what he’s doing and hurries over to help her.

“Double Vodka cranberry,” she orders with a grin. She glances over her shoulder at me like I’m nothing more than an afterthought. “And whatever he’s having.”

Ah, sweet but not too sweet as to be considered ‘frilly’. Strong enough to take the edge off. I can respect her drink choice. It suits her, somehow. I don’t mind the taste of vodka, even if I’m much more inclined to wine personally. But wine isn’t overly conducive to a club like this. I would stick out too much swirling a glass of red in here.

So instead, I shrug. “Make it two.”

Katya grins. “Ah, a secure man? I like that.” She leans forward. “Put some cherries or glitter into his or something so that I can mock him mercilessly.”

The bartender looks me over for a good long minute before he grins and nods. “I got you.”

He delivers the frilliest drink that I’ve ever seen in person. A real joker he is. Though, hearing Katya laugh so hard that she snorts through her nose might just be one of the highlights of my evening. Still no word from Dario, but also no sounds of shooting and screaming from the offices, so I have to presume that everything is going well.

I slide onto the bar stool beside Katya’s crossed legs and place my hand into the space she’s created between them without waiting for an invitation. My fingers curl possessively between her two legs and hold her there even as I lift the drink thatindeed seems to have some sort of glitter inside of it for my inspection.

“You don’t have to actually drink it!” Katya giggles and attempts to take it out of my hand. “Here, you can have mine and I’ll drink it.”

I smirk. “Did you think that your girlfriend would worry less about me touching you if there’s a very flamboyant drink in my hand?”

Her gaze drops to my hand, and for a moment it looks like she’s debating whether or not to throw my hand off or to let it stay. She must decide that she likes it, because she places her hand on top of mine and leans in closer to me as she sips her very plain looking drink. “Is that what you think, that she’s my girlfriend?”

“Are you saying that she’s not?”

Katya smiles devilishly and shrugs a single shoulder nonchalantly. “I see your play now. You think that if you help us out, you might get to take us both home? Would that turn you on?”

She scoots a little closer and my hand travels further up between her legs.

Right now, the rest of the club could burn down around me and I don’t think that I would even notice. Not when that very particular heat is so close to my fingers.

She’s got me hooked, and she knows it. I can see it written clearly across her face.

“She’s not my girlfriend. I’m very single and luckily for you, tonight I’m on the hunt for a partner.”

My eyes drink in the sight of the way her dress hugs her torso and the curve of her breasts. Right down to her full hips and the place where my hand is tucked between her legs. I won’t deny the hunger that I feel for her either.

“Lucky indeed.”

“Yeah, so if you see one…” Katya trails off, her eyes alight with mischief.

I smile into the rim of my glass and shake my head. “I don’t share.”

She clucks her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “And what about your boyfriend? How would he feel about knowing that you’re out here flaunting yourself with very beautiful women?”

I like her confidence. The longer the conversation between the pair of us goes, the more I like her. Which is a very, very dangerous thing.

“He is your boyfriend, is he not? You called him your man after all.”

I did, didn’t I? That wasn’t the way that I meant it but I’m not going to tell her that. There’s just no need to correct her at this point. It would only lead to more questions that I can’t answer.

“What do you think?” If she were sitting on my lap right now, she would be able to feel just nownotgay I am. Or at least, how very interested I am in pushing my hand further up between her thighs.

“Hmm, I think you’re going to need to show me.” Katya purrs as she shrinks the slight distance between us. She smells like sugared cranberries. I want to know what she tastes like - so I kiss her. There’s nothing soft or hesitant about it. It’s the kind of kiss that’s intense and designed to take her breath away. The only way that I do things. She matches me for intensity, kissing me back with equal heat. Her teeth drag across my bottom lip but then she backs away - tantalizing enough to make me actually chase her lips for half a second before I catch myself.

“Take me somewhere.” Katya demands, and I don’t need to be told twice.