He grins and takes an indulgent moment to let his eyes roam freely over my body and the way I’m standing. I swear it feels like he’s actually touching me. Why does it make me want to move closer to him? Some sort of weird voodoo maybe.

“I believe it.”

His voice feels indulgent, like dark chocolate, and his cologne is making my head swim.

“Now tell me what it is that you actually want in exchange for all of this help that you’re giving me.”

I tell myself that Marci’s okay. She’s a tough girl and I know that she can more than handle herself. Besides, that Dario guy looks intimidating as hell. From the impression that I’m getting from the man in front of me alone, I know that he’s not the sort to fuck around when it comes to something important.

When he offers his hand to me, I know shouldn’t take it. I should know better than to put my hand in his, but I do. He pulls me closer to him until I’m enveloped in the warmth of his body and the smell of his cologne. Woodsy with a hint of citrus and coffee, which is also somehow perfectly fitting.

“Dance with me.”

It’s not really phrased like a request.

Something else that should have me balking.

But wasn’t this night supposed to be all about forgetting myself in the first place?

“Dario will inform me the moment anything alarming happens, I swear it to you,” he reassures me like he can read my mind.

“And I’m just supposed to take you at your word? How am I supposed to know what sort of man you truly are?” I ask, my voice rasping just a little at the end.

So, I flirt a little. It’s hardly the worst thing that I could be doing.

“My word is everything.”

He says it so bluntly that I believe that, too.

“Besides, you don’t have to trust me in order to dance with me.”

“I suppose you have a point there.”

The way his smile dazzles me I almost go a little weak in the knees. What is it about this guy?

He pushes his fingers through mine and leads us further into the club. Even through his coat I swear that I can see his back muscles rippling as we walk. Never before have I allowed myself to be led by a man. Even Alexei doesn’t get away with attempting to boss me around and yet here I am, allowing myself to be led onto the dance floor by a man whose name I don’t even know.

He spins me effortlessly into place as the flooring under my feet changes. The way he takes control and pulls me against his chest like I was built for him and whatever snarky comment was on my tongue only moments ago fades into nothingness. He shouldn’t be able to move this damn well while being built like he grew up in a fighting ring.

A little dangerous and a whole lot of sexy, he looks at me like I’m the only girl in the whole club and I eat that shit up.

Maybe he’s the distraction that I was really looking for this whole time.

No names, no strings… just turning my brain off for a good little while. What would it hurt, right?

My hands slide up over his well-formed pecs and over the slope of his shoulders to his neck.

“Sorry for my attitude earlier.” I mutter, close enough that I don’t have to shout.

“Nothing to apologize for. I don’t scare easily.” His hands find my hips, spinning me until my back is flush against his chest as he leans down into my ear to speak. “Feel free to brat as much as you like.”

Fingers indent possessively into the skin of my hips.

I lean back into him as we move, indulging in the way he holds me and the music that feels like a pulse between us both.

“Nothing wrong with being protective of your friend, you know. It’s an admirable trait.” he adds, lips brushing against my skin as he speaks. I wonder what it would feel like for his lips to be other places. His hands slide lower, brushing against the short hem of my tight dress and his fingers touch the tops of my bare thighs. “Just my type of woman. Loyal, protective, and a devil of a mouth on her. It’s sexy as hell.”

Fuck it.