The main stage is home to the woman that I am here to see. A group of patrons all sit around the end of the semicircle. She’s really in good form tonight. The stage is covered in dollars as mygirl Marci does her thing. Far more traction than any other stage around her is getting, that’s for absolute certain.

I don’t want to hearanyonesay that a woman in her thirties shouldn’t still be stripping because it would bemoreof a crime to have Marci cover up that amazing frame of hers. Curves in all of the right places, flawless skin and the way that she flaunts herself is artwork. Pure art.

I should really get out more.

I’ve spent too much time finishing up my degree. My trip to Spain was hard won and I didn’t even get the chance to enjoy it before everything got horribly ruined. And now? Well, I need a good drink or five to keep my mind occupied. I want every distraction that I can get my hands on.

Marci’s working, and I need some recreation. My drinks are always on the house here, given who I am. I load up and head straight to the dance floor to hopefully keep my mind busy until the set finishes.

The men who frequent this club aren’t nearly as seedy as they are at some other strip clubs, and I know that I’m perfectly safe with Alexei’s many men watching my every flirtation. I know that Icouldentertain any number of these men but I’m still a bit shaken. The last thing that I want is to worry about a man putting his hands on me until I’m good and ready.

But, mostly, I’m just waiting for Marci to finish. Her shift has got to be almost over by now. She’s probably exhausted fromworking the main stage. I honestly don’t know how she does it. I’ve been dancing my ass off all night and my feet are killing me. Her heels are twice as high as mine and she doesn’t even look like she’s started to break a sweat.

When her final song ends and she collects her tips from the stage, I follow my dear friend backstage where I can chug a bit of water and she and I can catch up with a little bit more privacy. My ears are ringing already and screaming over the loud, thumping club music isn’t high on my list of things to do.

The body guards give me a double take but don’t even try to stop me as I saunter my way back to the dressing rooms. The sound of my heels echoes off of the black painted walls before I lean against the doorframe to the room where Marci is currently fanning herself with the wad of cash that she just got from her performance.

I wolf whistle low and steady to let her know I’m here and that I’m watching her.

The last thing I need is her getting spooked thinking that I’m some prick from the floor sneaking in where I’m not supposed to be.

Marci would shank me. I’ve seen her do it. She’s been in this business more than long enough to know how these things work and how to get herself out of a sticky situation.

Her eyes roll to me in the reflection of herself in the mirror in front of her. A slow, happy smile spreads across her beautifulface. I push off of the door frame and saunter up behind her, wrapping my arms around her neck from behind and kissing her cheek as a way of greeting. “You looked so damned good on that stage babe, it’s a wonder that you don’t have racks on racks in your hands right now.”

Marci rolls her eyes and huffs. “Nah, I was really phoning it in out there tonight.”

“Garbage!” I plop down onto the padded stool beside her with a smile. “Seriously, I don’t know how you got that sort of stamina. I’m jealous, really.”

Her smile widens. “I have missed you so much.”

I flip my hair over my shoulder theatrically. “Well of course you have.”

Marci pinches the skin of my bare thigh. “Seriously, it’s been months and all I’ve gotten is your insta feed! Where the hell have you been? We both know that I need to live vicariously through you.”

I giggle. “Since when? You get into just as much trouble as I do!”

Marci shakes her head and starts to wipe some of her heavy stage makeup and glitter off. Something darkens in her eyes, hinting that there might be something more going on with my friend that she hasn’t told me.

I reach forward and place my hand on her knee. “What’s wrong? Did something happen? You could have called me. I would have come right back!”

She smiles meekly and rolls one shoulder. “Nothing big, you know, just making stupid life choices.”

“You? I doubt it.” Despite being able to party with the best of them, she’s always had her shit together. Marci’s one of my more level-headed friends.

“No, I did. Karma really got me this time.” Marci’s hand drops to her stomach and rests there for a moment.

It takes me far too long to fully catch up to what she’s saying to me right now. My eyes widen and I reach forward to touch the same spot as if somehow by touching her, I can confirm what she’s hinting at.

“It’s been making things a lot harder. I get sick more, it’s so hard to stay awake. While it’s great that you think I have stamina, I am so,sotired all of the time now.”

“For real?! How far along are you? You bitch, why didn’t you call me!” I slap her knee softly in reprimand. “Who is the father?! Xavier?!”

Xavier was supposed to have been out of the picture months ago. He was the sort of drive-by boyfriend who was great for a night or a weekend getaway but really not much more than that.Wholly incapable of conversation, didn’t treat her like the queen that she is - certainly not my favorite. But hey, everybody gets dick blindness from time to time.

Marci bites her bottom lip and shrugs. “The asshole stopped coming by work and everything.”

“What?! So he knows?!”