Nolan slid his hands around to her front and between the gap in her fuzzy house robe to the teal silky stuff beneath. “What do you want right now?”
“You’re the special agent. Assess and get moving.”
Without another thought, Nolan dropped to his knees and looked up at her. Even with bed-tousled hair and not a speck of makeup, she looked beautiful. “Yes, ma’am.”
He reached for her belt, and she shook her finger. “Uh uh. With your teeth.”
He flashed his sexiest grin, and she lifted a brow in challenge, and it reminded him of their first kiss in the bar, only the roles were reversed. Then he thanked God for second chances. Without that he wouldn’t be standing in the kitchen with the woman he was pretty sure he’d fallen in love with.
“I bet I can do it with my hands behind my back and my eyes closed,” he said, upping the difficulty level higher than Kat’s had been.
“Just remember I did it in under twenty seconds,” she bragged. “The clock starts now.”
Nolan didn’t waste a second. He knew the bottom of the tie was right near her center and he could find her delicious core like there was a homing beacon on it. On instinct he found it and, parting the fabric with his nose, placed an open-mouthed kiss right on her kitty cat.
She threw her head back and laughed, holding her robe to her tummy. The sound was like music.
“No one likes a bragger, Nolan.” She was still chuckling. “No one.”
“But everyone loves some good oral.”
“And you think you can weasel out of this deal by tempting me with oral, then you’re?—”
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Kat went completely still. All the laughter left her and when he looked up, she was clutching her bathrobe belt like it was the only thing holding the Earth on its axis.
“What if someone saw us?”
“Kitten. They’d have to be in the backyard.” He stood and peeked around. “We’re in the clear.”
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Well, someone knows.” The panic was very real. “The cat’s out of the bag. This is bad. Really bad.”
While he didn’t like to be called bad, he understood her fear. Understood what was at stake for her. And what she perceived the issue and problems to be.
“Why don’t you just go answer the door.”
“What if we pretend we aren’t home?” she whispered.
“It’s your call,” he said, and like a dumb-ass, he tried to stand and knocked over a chair. It clattered to the ground, sounding like a semiautomatic going off at a firing range.
She threw her hands over her face, about as inconspicuous as Charlie Brown hiding behind a tree.
“Hello?” came from the front porch.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
“Ohmygod,” Kat said in one low breath. “It’s Ms. Woods. The social worker.”
She looked at her silky pj’s, then at him in nothing but boxer-briefs and a hard-on, and sheer panic lit her face. He’d never seen her so scared.
“You can’t be here. You can’t. If she sees you…” She looked at his erection. Then covered it with her hands. “Put that away.”
He tilted his head down to meet her gaze. “Kat, this is going to be okay. I will go hide in the bedroom while you answer the door and see what she wants.”
“She wants to take my sister away. And today she’s going to get her wish because I completely spaced and it’s the home inspection. So there is nowhere to hide.” She looked around frantically, clocked all six foot three of him, eyed the cupboard, refrigerator, and under the table, then spotted the pantry. “You are going in here.”