“It’s also against our no benefits promise.”
He backed away. “Then I need to stop rubbing your ass in these tiny, silky bottoms, and you need to stop playing with my belt buckle.”
Neither of them stopped. Nolan cleared his throat. “Clearly I have to be the adult here.” He took a big step back and sat on a lounger, gesturing for her to take the couch. Tiny Dancer sat at her feet like a Great Dane.
Nolan pulled out his official-looking notebook and a pen. “Did you see anybody?”
“I just saw a shadow. It was dark.”
“Maybe five eleven.”
“Average build.”
“Hair color?”
“It was too dark, but he was wearing a ball cap.”
“Anything distinguishing? How he walked? Did he limp, have tattoos, anything else you can remember?”
“I only caught a glimpse of him on the deck and then I closed the curtain and called you.”
As if the distance were too great, he walked over to sit next to her, then pulled her onto his lap. “No sex, I just need to hold you.” He nuzzled her neck and took in a deep breath. “Jesus, when I got that call, my mind went to the worst.”
“Did you see anyone?” she asked. A strange sense of vulnerability took up residence in her gut and expanded. “Do you think it was R. J.?”
“I’m not sure. But what would his motive be? I found the lock to your shed cut and it looks like something was dragged across the floor recently.”
“It wasn’t me. I haven’t been out there in months,” she said trying to remember the last time she’d set foot in the place. It had been Christmas.
“How about Tessa?”
“Tess? Willing to go where spiders actively live?” She snorted. “Never in a million years. She’s at Gemma’s working on an art project.”
“There are also footprints in the mud going from the side yard to the street. What’s in there that someone would want?”
“Nothing. All that’s out there is Christmas ornaments and my grandpa’s old things. Nothing of monetary value. Nothing of value to anyone but me.” She paused. “How did you make it so fast?”
“I flashed my lights and ran every red that popped up.”
“Can you get fired for that?”
“I wasn’t really thinking clearly at that moment. All I could concentrate on was getting you in my arms.” He pulled her further onto his lap.
He tugged her into him and all she could do was wrap her arms around his neck. But even with all the lingering stress after the shock she’d been dealt, Kat was enjoying the comfort. Which was new.
Kat didn’t like to be coddled. But right then, she couldn’t seem to let go.
He ran a hand down his face. “Pack up, you are coming with me.”
“There is no way I’m moving into a guy’s house with the custody hearing so close.”
“Good point. Then I’m sleeping on your couch.”
Part of her was stunned that someone would uproot their life for her. Nobody had done anything like that for her since her grandpa. Her mom bailed, her dad was Peter Pan, and Ryan was a coward. Yet here was Nolan, who barely knew her and was putting himself out to help her. The other part, her feminist part, roared that she didn’t need a man to get through this. She was a competent, capable woman.