Page 61 of Second First Kiss

He cupped her cheek. “I’ve got you.”

Her face clouded with uncertainty. “I don’t believe you.”

Another sledgehammer to the gut that nearly blew him back. “Then I guess I’ll just have to prove it to you.”

“Many men have tried and failed,” she said as if she were the problem in the equation.

“I’m not any man,” he assured her. “And when I make a promise, I keep it.”

“And just what are you promising?” she asked quietly.

“That I won’t hurt you.”

There was still an obstinate uncertainty in her eyes, a stubborn streak that said he was going to have to do a hell of a lot to prove himself. But Nolan had never backed away from a challenge and he wasn’t about to start now.

“We’ll start slow,” he said.

As if wanting a fight, she crushed her lips to his letting him know that the talking portion of the evening was over. Got it. Making it clear that she was in charge, she began to move at a frantic pace. It took Nolan a minute to catch up, but when he did, holy hard-on, when he did the raw passion between them ignited.

Her ass was slapping against the tile and her legs were vicing him so tightly he thought he might just pass out. His legs, on the other hand, were hitting the edge of the countertop so hard he was going to have bruises tomorrow.

While the idea of making her his, staking his claim in a possessive way, tempted him, he’d never forgive himself if he hurt her. So he slid his hand beneath that glorious ass and, in one fluid motion, picked her up and spun her until her back was to the wall.

“More,” she gasped.

“More it is.”

Nolan moved as if his life were depending on it. Moved until she stopped breathing and all that was coming out of her mouth were hard exhales of air. Using one arm to secure her to him and the wall as leverage, he slid his other hand around and between them until he found her pleasure button.

It was like he’d fired up a nuclear powerplant. One minute she was moaning and then she was tightening around him, harder, coiling and vibrating, then she snapped. She wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. That’s when he felt her teeth sink into his flesh, not enough to break the skin but it was going to leave a mark.

Since all was fair in love and war, he put his mouth on her shoulder and sucked hard until he left a mark of his own. In that moment she exploded, loud and hard. Wave after wave of her orgasm rippled around him until he lost control in the pleasure and broke.

“Kat,” he ground out.

He wasn’t sure what happened next, but when he came back to himself, he was sitting on the floor with Kat wrapped around him, arms and legs like a post-coital pretzel. Both breathing hard, slick with sweat, they just sat there trying to regain consciousness.

She was limp in his embrace, so soft and languid he couldn’t help but to cradle her to him. And, wish of all wishes, she let him.

He took in the moment, breathed her in while his fingers skated up and down her spine. Then it happened. She began to pull back. She went stiff, not ramrod but enough that he felt the shift in energy.

“You okay?” he asked gently.

“Yeah, why?” She didn’t look up, just kept her face buried against his neck. Gone was the open girl from a moment ago and in her place was the suspicious, roll-of-the-shoulders Kat he usually got.

Not wanting to let her hide, he braced the base of her neck and lifted until their gazes met and, yup, those walls were being erected. “You got quiet on me.”

“Maybe it’s because I just had a sex marathon in high altitude on your bathroom floor,” she said with a teasing smile.

Nolan looked around and silently cursed. Here he was trying to prove he was different from the other guys in her past and he’d taken her against the wall like she was some barfly he’d picked up at happy hour.

He brushed her hair back. “I should have taken you to my bed.”

“You don’t need to do that.”

“Do what?”

She lifted a slim shoulder and let it drop. “Make something more out of this than it is.”