“Oh no,” Milly said. “You were all up in my grill about Jax when we were dating.”
“Fake dating,” Kat corrected. “A fact you conveniently left out.”
“I hated keeping it from you. But I promised Jax I’d keep it a secret.”
“Great, well maybe I promised to keep a secret too.”
Gemma’s face went bright with excitement. “So it wasn’t just a kiss. It was a secret kiss, which led to you driving his truck. Are you official now?”
“He lent me his truck to be neighborly and as for the title, you ladies know me better.”
Milly snatched up the last jelly-filled doughnut and held it hostage. “We do know you. Better than anyone on the planet, which is why we find it curious that you’re keeping all the juicy details to yourself. Usually you’re practically showing us a dick pic of your latest hook-up. Yet you kissed Nolan and it is suddenly a matter of national security? That must have been some kiss.”
It was some kiss, alright. A kiss that had scrambled her mind, which was the only reason she could come up with for why she said, “It was the night of the bar fight.”
“How romantic.” Milly swooned. “First he saves you from R. J. and then he kisses your booboos away.”
“You make him sound like some knight in shining armor.”
“Because he is.”
Truer words had never been spoken. Nolan was one of the good ones. And wasn’t that a shame. She didn’t go for good ones. Hadn’t a clue as to what to do with them.
“He might be a knight, but I am no damsel in distress. I rescued myself. All he did was follow me home to make sure I got there safely.”
“Back to the kiss,” Milly said. “How was it?”
Amazing. Mind-blowing. Life-altering. “It was okay.”
Both friends shot her a look, the same look they’d given her when she’d been eight and Tina failed to show for Kat’s birthday party and she said she didn’t care. “Fine. It was epic.”
Gemma rested her chin on her folded hands. “Define epic.”
“I was in a shit mood, he kissed the crap out of me, we argued, then he drove behind me while I stomped all the way home.”
Both women burst out laughing. The kind of laughing where they were wiping the tears from the corner of their eyes.
“So it was your dream date,” Gemma finally said.
“It was something and, oh no, I see what you’re both thinking and it’s not like that.”
“Like what?” Gemma asked innocently.
“Like it’s going to happen again.”
“And we see the look in your eyes,” Milly said with a smile. “And it is so going to happen again. There will be a whole lot of happening going on around here.”
“Nope. He had his chance and he passed,” she said and felt her face heat with residual humiliation.
Milly blinked. “He passed? On sex? No way. I don’t believe it. That man has had eyes for you for a long time.”
“He might have eyes for me, but he refused to put his hands on me.”
Okay, that wasn’t exactly true. He had his hands all over her, just not in the places that would take things from PG to Please, Nolan, please. She knew he was attracted to her, the bulge in his pants made that clear. So then what was the problem?
“What did he say?” Milly asked.
“That we had time and didn’t have to rush it.”