Milly: How do you know I slept with him? He might have just driven me home because I had too much to drink.
Kat: Right. Because driving under the influence of hot cocoa is so dangerous.
Gemma: Spill the beans Milly. And before you try to fib your way out of this know that Ms. Tilden saw him sneaking off the next morning.
Alarm slid its way up Milly’s back. If Ms. Tilden had seen them, her secret would be all around town by the time her parents returned home. And that meant even more lies to tell.
Milly glanced out the window to Ms. Tilden’s house next door and rolled her eyes. Ms. Tilden was the nosiest neighbor in the neighborhood. She even set up a surveillance camera on the side of her house to make sure Milly’s parents weren’t renting the cabin out as an Airbnb.
Milly: Fine. We slept together.
Kat: I knew it! You owe me a drink Gemma.
Milly: You were betting on my sex life?
Kat: Well duh? You finally have a sex life to bet on. We couldn’t resist.
Milly knew the feeling. Her lack of a sex life had made it hard to resist Jax. So she’d un-resisted three times, then mauled him on the slopes.
Kat: So Jax huh?
Gemma: Yeah what about Lucas? Is this some kind of Sabrina in reverse?
Milly: I thought he was Lucas!
Her screen went dead. Where were those three little dots flashing in judgment? She held her breath waiting for a response, and when one never come, she texted:
Milly: You were the ones who pointed him out and said he was Lucas!
Gemma: He was wearing slacks and a button-down. He looked very Lucas-esque.
Milly: That’s what I said! And it was an accident. I told you I crashed into him.
She texted, repeating the lie she told her parents—and what had become her new mantra.
Gemma: It must have been some crash because you went home with him and you’ve been avoiding us for days. So it was either really good or really bad. Spill.
Life altering was more accurate. Sex with Jax was like being reborn in the form of a sex goddess. His mouth alone was a lethal weapon.
Kat: Rumor has it that you two are lining together.
Gemma: What did your parents say?
Milly: OMG we aren’t living together. And where did you hear that?
Kat: Tessa heard it at school. Two of the teachers were talking about your ski date, where you were making a snow angel on top of him the other day.
Gemma: So is it true? Are you dating?
This had gotten so out of hand. Milly was going to kill her mom. Because while Ms. Tilden was nosy, Gennie was a champion gossip.
Milly was about to answer that they were, in fact, not dating, when a knock sounded at the door. Rolling her eyes, she tossed her phone on the bed and went to let her friends in.
“You have no idea what I’m going to do to you,” she called out, starting for the door.
“That sounds promising,” the response came. Her heart screamed into her throat.