Page 37 of Faux Beau

“Oh, we’re going to get you and that one-legged sleigh down the hill. With me holding you the whole way.”

She licked her lips, while staring at his. “That might be a little difficult.”

He leaned up on his elbow so that his face was within kissing distance of hers. But he didn’t go in for the kill. That would turn this friendly lesson into something a hell of a lot closer to a date. And Jax didn’t have the time nor the inclination to date.

He didn’t do relationships. At all. Hard stop. He wasn’t enough for his dad to stay or his mom to get clean, and he’d never felt like enough to be a real Carmichael. That was his theory anyway, and he wasn’t willing to put it to the test—in case he was right.

Yet, there he was, playing with fire. “I’m sure we can figure it out.”

“Then how about we up the difficulty factor. I mean, if we’re going to face death, we might as well have some fun.”

Before he could ask what fun was, her mouth was fused to his. No gentle exploration or a simple reacquaintance. Oh no. Milly’s mittened fingers were in his hair, her tongue in his mouth, and her knees dug in the snow on either side, straddling him.

And he was holding her. An ass cheek in each palm, plastering her against his body. They were creating more heat than global warming—like melt-the-polar-ice-caps temperatures.

In one fluid movement, he had her board unclipped and flipped them over, pinning her hands above her head. Even through her bulky snow pants he was certain she could feel his hard-on because when he pressed into her, she moaned.

He kissed his way down her neck which had been taunting him for the past hour and she wrapped her legs around his waist, tight enough to knock the wind right out of him. God, she was sexy.

He licked and kissed as far down as he could before being blocked by her scarf, then nibbled his way back up to her mouth, which he took without apology.

Jax had had his share of kisses. In fact, he considered himself a kiss connoisseur of sorts. He’d started young, Nicole Waverly in the third grade, and quickly rose the ranks to dating college girls when in high school and cougars when he was in college.

But kissing Milly was on a whole other level. The way her tongue moved with his was more erotic than the act of sex. And that was saying a lot because in their one night they’d covered every letter in the word erotic—some of them twice.

She moaned into his mouth and he opened his eyes. And that’s when he realized she was watching them kiss. Her gaze was hazy, her glasses a little fogged up from the heavy breathing, and her thighs were squeezing his middle.

Damn, what a turn on.

Holding her gaze, he nipped and nibbled, putting his entire body into the kiss. Her hands ran the length of his torso, not stopping to pass go, she cupped him through his jeans.

He gasped.

Resting on one elbow to free up a hand, he fisted his fingers in her hair and gave a gentle but stern tug, pulling her head to the side. This time she gasped.

He looked into her eyes to check in, when she smiled a mischievous smile before tilting her head to the side so he could get a taste of the spot where the neck meets the shoulder. That sensual, elegant slope that was begging for his mark.

He ran his tongue over her pulse, which was pounding with need. And he wanted to fill that need so he—

“Get a room!” someone hollered as they skied by.

Behind her cute glasses, Milly’s eyes startled wide, her hands flew to her mouth and, just when he thought she was going to shove him off, she burst into laughter. “Why does this keep happening?”

He kissed her nose. “It’s called animal magnetism.”

“Then you need to stop”—she poked his chest—“being”—poke—“so”—poke—“sexy.”

The last word was punctuated with a long, lazy kiss that seemed to go on and on. It wasn’t hungry or hurried, it was sweet and tender. The kind of sweet and tender that could get a guy in trouble.


“Jax?” she whispered, making him realize he’d stopped. “Are you okay?”

No, he wasn’t. This was foreign territory and he needed to take a step back—for both their sakes.

He cupped her face. “I don’t want to complicate this or mislead you. I’m leaving in a few days.”

The smile she gave him was open and understanding and complicating as hell. “It’s just animal magnetism, remember? We’re friends who find each other attractive. It happens. But like you said, you’re leaving, and my life is up in the air. So friends it is.”