Page 27 of Faux Beau

Shit, the urn! She hoped Gemma and Kat hadn’t had too much fun at the bar and left her behind. How could she have forgotten her sister? How could she have been so irresponsible? She’d been baited by the promise of an orgasm, that’s how. She would call Kat as soon as her parents were out of snooping range.

“Did you remember to lock the doors? Did someone take her? I knew it was a mistake to get such an expensive urn,” her father said.

Her mom’s hand flew to her chest, her face going pale. “Honey, where’s Zoe?”

“No one stole her,” Milly rushed to say. “She’s, uh, sleeping over at Kat’s.”

Her mom released a relieved breath. “See, Howard, she’s fine. She’s just having a sleepover at her friend’s house,” Gennie said as if this were a normal reason for her daughter’s urn to be missing.

Her dad looked as if he had more to say on the topic, but at that precise moment the floor creaked behind her. Panic hit so quickly she thought she might be the next one to stroke out.

“What was that?” Howard asked.

“What?” She scratched her wrist.



Her dad moved toward the hallway, but Milly stepped in front of him. “Why don’t you two go out to breakfast. I know how much you like the Brown Bear Diner.”

“I was going to make you breakfast here.” Her mom looked at the dented carton and demolished eggs on the floor. “But we might need to go to the store.”

“Yes! The store!” Milly nearly shouted. “Why don’t you two go to the store and I will shower. Then we can have a nice family breakfast. Just the three of us.”

That would give her enough time to get rid of Lucas, clean up the proof of hook-up alley, and put some clothes on. But before she could put her plan into action, her mom’s eyes went wide and her mouth dropped into a perfect O of shock and awe.

Milly knew the look. She’d worn it herself for the past eighteen hours.

“Or, I’m guessing it will be a breakfast of four?” her mom said, and Milly didn’t have to turn around to know who the fourth was. She could smell the testosterone fill the room.

She closed her eyes and prayed, Please be dressed. Pleased be dressed. She turned around and FML, he was dressed in only his slacks, no shoes, no shirt—right, she had his shirt. He was truly the sexiest guy she’d ever seen, much less slept with. But all she could think about was that this was going to be the most awkward morning after ever.

“Who are you?” her dad demanded to know, puffing out his chest and staring down Lucas as if challenging him to a dual—of fists.

“Howard, don’t be rude,” Gennie admonished. “This must be the man you’ve been so secretive about.”

Right, the fake man she’d been seeing for a big fat fake two months.

Lucas met her gaze with a lifted a brow.

“I promise, this isn’t what you think,” she whispered to Lucas.

There was no secret man. In fact, the only thing secret about her secret man was that he didn’t exist. Milly had made him up the moment word of Dillon’s engagement reached her parents. Of course, Gennie had gone into mother-hen mode, telling Milly it would be alright, while Howard went into protective mode, convinced the only way things would be okay was if he pummeled Dillon. So Milly mentioned that she’d started dating a nice guy in Sierra Vista. Gennie, the eternal romantic, took Milly’s single post-Dillon date to mean that she was in a relationship. And Milly had never corrected her.

Her father met Milly’s gaze and she saw the seriousness in his eyes.

She considered telling them that she’d hired a professional mover to help with the boxes and as a joke she’d hired a shirtless moving company. Except she was the worst at lies and her dad would see right through her.

She scratched her wrist, and her dad lifted a parental brow. Shit, he knew.

“Mom, Dad, um, this is Lucas.”

There was a long pause where she felt Lucas’s gaze bore into her. Her stomach twisted when she looked at him and he shot sparks at her. His expression was dialed to pissed. She didn’t blame him. Who met the parents on the first date?

He stepped past her, his woodsy scent lingering. He offered his hand. “Lucas’s brother, Jaxon,” he said. “Nice to see you again, Mr. Smartt.”

Her heart pounded against her ribs, robbing her of breath.