Page 11 of Faux Beau

“Well, this shit really is heavy,” Kat said, plopping a box on the floor. “There must be a bowling ball in here.”

Milly looked at the writing on the box and laughed. “It’s Zoe’s boot collection. I bet every one of them have steel toes.”

“Seriously?” Kat opened the box, pulled out a pair of purple Doc Martens boots, and swooned. “Damn, she had impeccable taste.”

“Do you want them?” Milly asked.

Kat stopped, her expression somber. “Are you sure? You don’t want them?”

Milly waved a hand in front of her face. “You two are the same size and let’s be real, Doc Martens don’t match pencil skirts and glasses.”

“Docs match everything,” Kat said, dumping the entire collection onto the only spare patch of floor. She picked up a pair of thigh-high boots. “Even these?” Milly didn’t bother to answer since Kat was already distracted with trying them on.

“This one is pretty heavy too,” Gemma said, setting it down in front of Milly. “It’s full of party supplies.” There was a weighted pause that had Kat and Milly look up. “There’s a note with our names on it.”

“Our names?” Milly asked.

“All three of us.”

Milly took the box from her friend and placed it in front of her. One glance at the handwriting on the note and Milly covered her mouth with trembling fingers. It was Zoe’s handwriting. “What do you think it is?”

Gemma sat next to her, then Kat, all of them now cross-legged on the floor in a circle, creating so much support and love around her that Milly’s heart pinched.

“We’ll only find out if you open it,” Kat said.


“Your name was first. Therefore, you get to open it.”

Milly’s head nodded of its own accord and slowly her hands creeped toward the note. With a shuddered breath she picked it up and pulled it out of the envelope. The card was a dark blue with metallic silver writing that read Spend your life doing strange things with weird people. There was a heaviness to the note that carried a significant weight.

Milly held the card to her chest and took in a deep breath, almost as if she could smell her sister’s earthy perfume. Opening her eyes, she found both of her friends watching her seriously.

“Do you want to be alone?” Kat asked.

Milly shook her head. “She’d want us all to be together.”

Milly opened the card and three mini notes fell out. Each one with the respective woman’s name on it. They shared a curious glance, then Milly read the main letter aloud.


You’re probably thinking this is my final, sad, sappy goodbye. Pa-lese. There is no sad or sappy to be had because tonight is my Ghost-lorette Party—it’s kind of like a bachelorette party but with more dares and a lot more stares, because we’re all going out.

Yup, you’re bringing me and my ashes along.

I want my urn to have a tiara and sash, enough glitter to rival a disco ball, and my three best friends by my side. We’re talking cosmos, snarky convos, and a couple of hot fellas. Then comes the dares. I have made one out for each of you.

Now, if any of you choose to skip your dare, I will haunt you until the day you die. And I’m talking hanging your granny panties like a flag from your roof, hiding your favorite heels, cursing you with seven years’ bad sex. You get the point.

Now, turn off the television and get dressed for a night out. Supernatural reruns can wait, because tonight is going to be one hell of a wild ride.

Forever your weirdo,


PS. I’ve never quite figured out if people who wear pajamas in public have given up or if they’re living their best life. Just to be sure, wear lace.

PPS. Enclosed in the box is a surprise from me. Wear them loud and proud, ladies.