Page 76 of Faux Beau

Milly had begun to think of Brynn and her family as more than employers. More than Jax’s siblings. She’d come to think of them as friends. And that friendship was all based on a big fat lie.

“Like he’s happy,” Brynn said. “And I haven’t seen him happy in a long time. So thank you.”

Milly didn’t know what to say. Scratch that, she was afraid to say anything for fear that her voice would betray her.

“And I think you’re happy too,” Brynn continued.

She was more than happy. Milly felt alive and excited about what came next. She hadn’t had this much freedom in her world, freedom to choose where she wanted to live, what she wanted to do, and who she wanted to do it with, since college. But that freedom also came with hard decisions.

“I’m not sure where I’ll end up. My old boss offered me my job back, but upgraded.”

“Have you accepted?”

“No,” Milly said. She’d been meaning to get back to Leah but kept putting it off. Every time she picked up her phone to call, she found something else important to do—such as painting her toenails or deep-cleaning the kitchen.

“Well, you might want to put off answering.”


“I wasn’t going to say anything until later, but I don’t want to miss the chance.”

“The chance for what?”

“This event was so successful that we’re considering hosting more events throughout the year, which means we’ll be looking for a full-time logistics coordinator, who would run the entire division. Do you know of anyone who might be interested?”

“Are you serious?” Milly said before she could curb her enthusiasm, and Brynn laughed.

“Is that a yes?”

“Maybe you should take some time to consider your options,” Gemma said.

Milly closed her tablet and sighed. She was in the middle of solving the problem of a missing crate of champagne when Gemma and Kat came in hot.

“Brynn told you.” She sent Brynn an imaginary, through-the-ether high five to the forehead for having such a big mouth.

“Nope. Nolan told me when he was ticketing my car to ruin my day,” Kat said.

“You did park in a loading zone,” Gemma pointed out.

“I was unloading my sister and a dozen of her friends. So I may have left the car for a bit to watch the last few runs of the day. So what?”

“You were parked there for over three hours,” Gemma said.

“Whose side are you on?”

Gemma put her hands out, palms up, claiming Switzerland status. “Just stating facts.”

“Fact,” she said with a sharp flick of the finger. “He’s annoying. Fact.” Another finger shot up. “He’s insufferable. Fact. He’s arrogant.”

“Um, Kat,” Milly said, making a slicing motion over her neck, but Kat was too busy fact-ing herself into a tizzy to notice that her annoying, insufferable, arrogant neighbor had joined the conversation.

“Fact. He’s full of himself,” Kat went on.

Legs in a wide stance, smile in full effect, Nolan crossed his arms over his chest, which was waging war with a black Sierra Vista Security shirt. Nolan’s pecs were winning.

“Fact.” Kat spun around to face him, as if the entire past few minutes were for his benefit, and held up a single finger. Her middle one. “Ranger Tight-ass is a pain in my ass.”

Nolan glanced at Kat’s middle finger, then scanned her from head to toe, the corners of his mouth lifting into a smile as they made their way back up. “Fact,” he said. “If you turn around, I can massage the pain right out of that ass.”