Page 55 of Faux Beau

Milly picked up the towel and wrapped it around her body. She’d just come out of the shower when her phone had rung. When she saw Leah’s number she’d assumed it was a social call, but it was clearly a business call.

“I’m not talking about your old position,” Leah said. “There is an opening for a senior logistics coordinator in the author relations and events department, and I think you’d be perfect.”

Oh my god! Author relations would be her dream job. Her last job was basically just making sure the manuscript got to the printer and that the printer got the books to the distributor. In her new position, she’d be dealing directly with the authors—authors she’d read and loved—shipping books out to conferences and managing signing events. She’d even get to go to some of the conferences to ensure everything went smoothly.

“You’d report directly to me, but you’d have complete control over how you want to manage and arrange your team,” Leah said, and Milly couldn’t help the smile that overtook her face.

Leah wasn’t just her boss, she was also a good friend. One of Milly’s closest New York friends. She’d picked Milly out of a sea of interns and given her a shot at something greater—and Milly had rocked it. She’d love to work with Leah again.

But she already had a job with Sierra Vista. It’s just a contract job, she reminded herself. A contract that would expire in a month.

“If I took the job, when would it start?” she asked.

Leah snorted. “What do you mean if? This is what you’ve wanted.”

It was what she wanted. It was the kind of job she’d shine in. The kind of job she’d dreamed about when she’d decided her major in college. So why wasn’t she jumping at the offer?

“It’s just that I’m contracting with another company right now.”

“I can hold the position for a month. Six weeks tops. There is a big romance writers conference happening in New York in three months and you’ll need to have a team in place and be up and running,” Leah said. “Have I mentioned the pay?” Leah rattled off an obscene number and Milly’s mouth fell open. With that kind of salary she could pay off her student loans in a year or two. Maybe even save for a place of her own.

But if she took the job, she would have to put her trip to England on hold. She’d also have to leave Sierra Vista, and Zoe’s wish would remain unfulfilled for likely another year. “Can I think on it?”

Leah went silent. “Absolutely. But don’t think too long. If you pass, I have to find someone else.”

Milly hung up and sat on the edge of the bed, holding her phone to her chest. With a squeal she fell back on the mattress and stared at the ceiling.

A six-figure dream job had just been placed in her lap. A six-figure job! This kind of opportunity didn’t come along all that often, yet she’d hesitated. Why?

Before she could dive down that rabbit hole, her alarm went off. She glanced at her phone and sprang up. Tonight was Peggy’s birthday party and Jax was picking her up in exactly one hour and she was still in a towel looking like a drowned kitty.

“Get a move on,” she said, walking across the hall to Zoe’s room. She didn’t need to riffle through the closet for what she was going to wear. She’d already decided on the dress. The shimmery one she’d been wearing when Jax had come to the door last week.

She knew she was playing with fire, but she didn’t mind getting a little toasty.

Milly was kissing him.

It was a barely-there feather of her lips against his. Nothing to warrant how his heart was pounding, or his blood was surging through his body. By the way his dick was standing at attention, he’d think they were executing a series of naked frontside one-eighties.

Her hands were looped around his neck and his were inches from her ass. All he had to do was follow the curve down and around. And man, did he want to go down and around and down some more until his fingers grazed bare skin.

He quickly ran through her list of no-no’s.

1.No verbal foreplay—whoops.

2.No tongue—so far so good.

3.No sex—why did he make that promise? Right, so no one’s heart gets involved.

Problem here was that his heart was inching toward involved. Not that he’d cross that line. Addiction ran deep in his family. He was no better than his mom, only his vice was his profession. But he had a feeling this fake relationship was going to blur a few things. Like how much he was coming to care for Milly.

To care about her feelings, her thoughts, her opinion of him, and not hurting her. He couldn’t hurt her. The second he felt like that was a possibility, he’d call things off. Period.

But right now, he was going to enjoy this surprise-of-all-surprises, out-of-nowhere, match-to-gasoline kiss. That she’d initiated.

Milly slowly pulled away and he leaned further into it, trying to fill the growing space between their lips. He opened his eyes, and she was staring back, the deep, brown pools of hers filled with confusion.

That makes two of us.