Page 45 of Faux Beau

“In addition to our work meetings, which will stay professional, I’m open to hand holding and a weekly hot cocoa date.”

“I like the sound of that.”

“No sex.”

“I don’t like the sound of that.” He made a face. “Because of you I have to live a sex-free existence.”

“Tough. Do you have anything to add?”

A flash of something vulnerable flickered in those intense green eyes, so fast she wasn’t certain she saw it.

He wiped a masculine hand down his face. “My mom’s birthday is coming up. My whole family, not to mention a bazillion friends, will be there. If I show up stag, people will talk.”

Pretending from a distance was one thing. Pretending up close and personal? She wasn’t sure she could convincingly pull that off. “We don’t know the first thing about each other.”

He stepped into her, one hand cupping her hip. “I know that you’re fiercely loyal, you have a big heart, so big that you put your loved ones’ needs over your own. All things I can relate to. I like you, Milly, there’s nothing fake about that.” He gave her a tummy-flipping grin. It was slow and sensual. “I think you like me too. And before you deny it, remember the only way this will work is if we’re honest with each other.”

Did she like him? Like like him? The answer scared her.

“No comment. As for the party, I agree. It would be suspicious if we didn’t show up together.” She drew a circle around his face with her finger. “But just remember the rules.”

“That’s a lot of guidelines and not enough romance,” he said.

“That’s the point. No romance.” Because romance led to feelings, and she couldn’t afford to grow feelings for this guy. He was leaving, she didn’t know which direction her life was taking, and that was an equation for disaster. Not to mention that while they were compatible in bed, they weren’t compatible in real life.

“You aren’t the catch-and-release kind of woman. If I’m not romancing you, people will begin to wonder.”

Her heart swooned a little. Stupid heart. No man had ever said something so sweet to her before. She’d never been romanced or wooed. Her relationships had been based on compatibility and mutual respect. Not the kind of nuclear reactor attraction that sparked between them every time they were within the same vicinity. It was like his body was made of metal and her lips were a giant magnet, being pulled by the forces of nature.

“We’ll be spending a lot of time working together on the event,” she said, reminding herself that this situation could quickly become dangerous—to her mind, body, and soul.

“All work and no play doesn’t make for a fun faux-mance.”

She snorted. “Your whole life is fun.”

“Looks can be deceiving. I spend most of my life on the slopes, in the gym, or alone in a hotel room. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do, but it’s still my job. And while I love my job, it might be nice to live outside of my job for a while.”

Maybe she wasn’t the only one who’d lost something precious in the game of life. There seemed to be two sides to Jax. The flirty, play-it-fast-and-loose side, which he let people see. But then there was this other side, a deeper side, that was vulnerable and lonely. That was the side that drew her in.

“A date a week,” she agreed. “That will be held in public.” Because lord knew what would happen if they holed up in a cozy cabin.

Orgasms. That’s what.

“Public?” he asked, his eyes smiling. “Is this where the flirting and tongue comes in?”

“This is serious.”

He raised his hands over his head to grip the frame of the doorway that separated the mudroom from the family room. His mountain of a body blocked her escape. “When it comes to tongue, I’m always serious.”

She shoved at him, but he didn’t budge, so she walked under his arm and escaped to the family room, where she paced. Her mind went through every pitfall and possible problem, and the results were overwhelming. But the reverse was even more problematic.

“We date until the Sierra Vista Cup,” she said. “Then we break up and if it’s okay with you’d, I’d like to do the breaking because if I have another man walk out on me, my parents will hover again. I can’t handle any more hovering.”

He seemed to consider this, then shrugged as if he didn’t care what people thought about him. What a luxury that would be. “I’ve got one guideline to add,” he said.

“That’s fair.”

“Remember how you said this was fake? I need you to promise that no one loses sight of that fact. I’m leaving. I always leave and I don’t want to hurt you.”