Page 21 of Faux Beau

A humdinger of an emotion slid through him. Interest. How much interest? Too much for a guy who did temporary.

Anything more serious than passing interest wouldn’t work. Jax wasn’t equipped for more. Casual was his natural state of being. From what he could tell about Milly, she went into things with her full heart. After losing his dad to suicide, then his mom to addiction, he wasn’t sure where his heart was at half the time.

“Tonight is all I have to give,” he said, wanting to make sure she knew the deal.

“I’m not asking for anything more than one night.”

How could he say no to that? “As long as you’re sure you won’t regret this in the morning.” Because the last thing he wanted to be for her was a regret.

“I won’t. But my house is three miles away, so that gives me three miles to talk myself out of it.”

“Then I guess I’ll have to keep you busy.”

Chapter Six

Take Life by the Balls

Have an orgasm.

Or two.

Lucas kept her busy all right.

The closer they got to her house, the higher up her thigh his hand went. And now that they were at her front door, nerves buzzed through her body—along with a potent mix of lust and hormones.

She shivered and he ran her hands down her arms. “Are you cold?”

“No, nervous,” she said honestly.

“There’s still time to change your mind.”

The open way he communicated with her, reassuring her that they’d take it at her pace, was sexy as hell. He took his man-of-honor code seriously and that made her nipples dare her to take him inside.

“No, my mind is just a little scrambled by your smile,” she said, and when the wattage on that smile beamed, butterfly wings tickled her belly. “Someone reminded me tonight that instead of doing what people expect, I should do something for me.”

“And you want to do … ?”

He was teasing her, and she liked this playful side. In fact, GQ Lucas was more easy-going out of the office. And she hadn’t seen him outside of the office in years. Between college and her job on the other side of the country, she didn’t make it to the cabin nearly as much as she’d like. Before Zoe’s diagnosis, those visits were mainly just major holidays, and that time was spent with her family.

But she was seeing him now. And soon she’d be seeing all of him.

“You. I want to do—”

Before she could finish her sentence, his mouth crashed down on hers and she was lost in the sensation. One hand sifted through her hair while the other searched down her body until it found her Darcy-clad ass. Even through the thick wool of her coat she could feel his desire.

“Inside,” he breathed into her mouth. “I need to get you inside so I get this coat off your body. Then I’m going to peel off that wet dream of a dress until you’re in nothing but heels and skin.”

“Inside works.” Milly reached back to open the door and they both stumbled inside. Their bodies were pressed airtight, their mouths fused together through the whole maneuver as they crashed into walls and off the furniture.

She caught her heel on a box and would have fallen on her butt if he wasn’t already holding it in his palm.

“It’s like a minefield,” he said, his lips never breaking contact.

“Work in progress.”

His other hand slid down to her butt and he let out a frustrated grunt. “Coat. Lose the coat, Milly.”

The syllables of her name came out like a caress, smooth and sensual.