Page 89 of Savage Betrayal

She’s gone all out tonight, her hair done up in an intricate display of ringlets that cascade from the loose knot that sits like a crown on her head. Her makeup is heavier than usual as she made it into a smokey eye with a hint of glitter that matches her dress. And her lips are a luscious shade of crimson, making her look dangerously like the seductress she’s proven to be beneath her innocent facade.

Offering her my elbow, I lead her from the room. It fills me with relief and pride to see her walking confidently in her strappy high heels tonight. While Tia’s been as stubborn as a mule about her pain over the past week, I was starting to worry her injury might be more severe than she was willing to acknowledge. But it seems the doctor was correct about her needed recovery time.

And if I’m perfectly honest, it brings me an impressive boost in confidence to have Tia in full health and by my side.

In the entryway, we convene with my father, all of us intending to ride together to the charity event that’s the talk of the town. I’m relying on his silent presence to ensure things go off without a hitch.

While I’m to be the charming and respectable face of the Moretti family as Mayor Romney’s honored guest, my father will handle any hiccups, should they arise. My best men are already in place, stationed at the town hall and debriefed on their duties, though the reason behind it, I’ve kept close to the vest. Only my father, Johnny, and Rasco know what’s really at stake tonight.

This contract with the mayor demands discretion, and with my need to put trust in the Guerra family before they’re truly vetted, I think it best if only those I trust with my life are privy to the details.

As we arrive at the town hall, I wait for my door to be opened, then step out of the car onto the red carpet, offering Tia my hand. Placing her delicate fingers on my palm, she uses me to steady herself as she alights from the car as if it were a carriage and she’s the belle of the ball.

She smiles at me, her teeth white against the dark crimson of her lipstick, and my pulse quickens with pride to know she’s the woman I’ll have on my arm tonight.

“I’ll see you both again at some point,” my father acknowledges, straightening his jacket as he gives me, then Tia a curt nod. Preceding us up the steps, he pauses to shake the mayor’s hand before vanishing inside.

“What’s he in such a hurry about?” Tia asks, her eyes following him as we take a more casual pace up the stairs.

“He’ll be overseeing the security we’ve been hired to perform while I get the night off to spend with my lovely wife,” I state, pressing a kiss to her knuckles before tucking her hand securely around my elbow once again.

Tia hums happily, her smile growing. “How did she ever get so lucky?”

“Tia, you’re back on your feet!” the mayor booms jovially, cutting our banter short.

Turning her radiant smile on the unsuspecting politician, Tia laughs. “Thank goodness. I was starting to think my arms might fall off by the time my ankle healed.”

She and Signora Romney exchange air kisses to the cheek, the older woman giving Tia’s forearms an affectionate squeeze. At the same time, Mayor Romney takes my hand in a firm grasp.

“I trust your men have everything in order?” the mayor asks, his voice dipping lower as he takes on a businesslike tone.

“I’ve employed my best men for the evening. I assure you, they won’t let us down.”

Mayor Romney releases a deep breath. “Good. Several of these auction pieces are very pricey, and I want to ensure they’re in good hands.”

“You have nothing to worry about,” I assure him.

“Well then, please enjoy the night. Bid on an item if you see anything that appeals to you. It will go to a good cause, after all.” He gives Tia a wink.

With a respectful nod to our hosts, I place my hand on the small of Tia’s back, and we both head inside. The front room is bustling with activity, guests talking and laughing as they stand in their finest dresses and jewels.

My men stand as silent sentries around the room, moving slowly as they assess the attendees, their gazes sharp and alert but passive. Impressively respectable as a security detail—which shouldn’t surprise me, considering their background of training.

“Should we check out the auction?” I offer, gesturing toward the sign that points us down a hallway to the room where the items are on display.

“Definitely,” Tia agrees. Her heels tap lightly on the wood floor as we make our way past several gathered groups.

It doesn’t escape my attention that many eyes shift to follow Tia as she walks through the room, men’s gazes appreciative, almost covetous until they see me just a half step behind her. As soon as our eyes meet, they quickly avert their gaze.

This room is heavily guarded, with an attendant for each item as well as several more of my men with eyes on the open space. Each auction piece is enclosed in a glass case with a spotlight shining down on it in a flattering display.

“See anything you like?” I ask, leaning close to Tia’s ear as we meander past the first few cases.

“They’re all beautiful,” she murmurs, admiring the rare pieces of jewelry and oil paintings, even a violin claiming to have belonged to Fritz Kreisler.

“Do you play?” I ask, teasing as I point to the elegant string instrument.

Tia breathes a laugh. “Not well. I’m more of a pianist.”