Page 73 of Savage Betrayal

“Oh, I would love that!” I say, glancing at Leo to be certain. And when he smiles, I turn my attention back to the mayor. “We’ll be there. Even if I have to attend on crutches,” I promise.

“Wonderful. We’ll send you a proper invitation shortly,” he beams.

We all rise, the mayor collecting one sleepy daughter as Signora Romney gathers up the other. They walk slowly, keeping pace with me despite my stunted speed. And as Alicia and I walk in companionable silence, I listen to the mayor as he speaks with Leo.

“I look forward to working with you,” he says as we reach the entryway.

And though I don’t know what working relationship they must have agreed upon, I can see the significance in their partnership. This is a big deal for Leo—something he’s been working toward for some time now.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening,” Signora Romney says, offering me a smile as she holds her sleeping daughter.

“Get home safe,” I insist as she and the mayor tiptoe through the door.

Leo and I wait at the door until they’re all packed into their SUV, and the mayor pulls away.

As soon as their tail lights mosey down the drive, Leo turns to me, his eyes warm as he steps close and cradles my face between his palms.

Then he leans in to kiss me passionately.

It’s soft and sensual, his lips gentle as they part mine so his tongue can trace them in the most tantalizing way. I positively melt, though I can’t lean into him as I would like to because the crutches make an awkward third wheel.

When he finally draws back, I breathe, “What was that for?”

“You never cease to amaze me,” he murmurs, his hazel eyes warm in a way that takes my breath away. “You’re brilliant, and I’m starting to see what your father meant when he said I now possess one of Earth’s greatest gifts.”

Stunned by his statement, I don’t quite know what to say. “Is that all my father said?” I ask, shocked that he would say something so affectionate—especially after how terribly I failed our family.

“Well, he also said I can either cherish my gift as it should be cherished, or I can squander it and learn too late about the consequences.”

My heart hammers against my ribs as I try to process my father’s words. But Leo’s far too close—and after that kiss, I can no longer think straight.

“Now more than ever,” he murmurs, his voice alluring, “I’m convinced I should cherish you as the gift you’re proving to be.”

My breath catches at the shockingly romantic statement. My lips part as if to say something, but I can’t think of the words.

Leo doesn’t seem to mind, however. He simply takes my crutches from me with a daring smile. “I think you’ve done more than enough walking for the day,” he insists, then he picks me up like a bride, carrying both me and my crutches back to our bedroom.

I can’t find it in me to object; I’m so immensely grateful to be off my feet and cradled in Leo’s strong arms.

But something doesn’t sit right with me about my father’s statement. It gives me an odd sense of foreboding. And for the first time, I find I’m thinking twice about his insistence that I make this marriage work with Leo.

At the time, when my parents sat me down and told me how critical it was to marry him, I felt slightly abandoned, like the fate of my family rested entirely on my shoulders. If I didn’t sacrifice my happiness, then I might be killing us all.

Maybe that was true. Maybe my choice to marry Leo saved my family.

But it makes me nervous to think my father could be using me as a distraction. While I’ve been determined to hatch my own plan to destroy Leo, he might have used my pregnancy and marriage as a window of opportunity.

I’m willing to risk a lot for my family, but with a baby to think of, it’s not just my welfare that I need to look out for now. And while my father’s words could seem so loyal and loving, I wonder if they might not have a darker meaning.

Was I just a lamb led to slaughter?

Perhaps I’ve been too naive from the start. Perhaps, while I’d hoped I might mend the damage I caused, hope was already lost. Maybe I was dead to my parents the moment Leo dropped me on their front porch.

If so, my father’s words could spell ruin. Not just for me and Leo. But also my baby.