Page 22 of Savage Betrayal

“Oh, yes. Thank you so much for coming,” Tia says, her eyes lighting as if their presence means the world to her.

“I believe congratulations are in order,” Signora Romney says, smiling at Tia as I sink into the chair next to my betrothed. Her gaze shifts to me next, her blue eyes soft but somehow less open.

No doubt, her husband has had plenty to say about me and my family. It’s not like our prowess comes without a certain… reputation around town.

“Thank you.” Tia beams, her cheeks warming to a beautiful shade of rose. “I must admit, it astounds me how many people can come and show their support for two young people getting married.”

Her words are impressive without a bitter edge, like a light switch she seems to turn off and on.

“It’s a beautiful thing, marriage. When you find the person you’re meant to be with for the rest of your life,” Mayor Romney says, his eyes affectionate as he takes his wife’s hand to give her fingers a squeeze.

She returns his loving gaze, her smile doting.

“And from the looks of it, you two are a perfect example of that kind of commitment.” Tia’s voice floods with admiration.

“We’re going on our thirtieth wedding anniversary,” Signora Romney admits.

Tia pauses, a bite halfway to her lips as her eyes grow wide. “That’s amazing. Just beautiful.”

“I wish you the same happiness, my dear,” Mayor Romney says, patting Tia’s hand that rests upon the table. Then, his eyes cast doubtfully in my direction.

Hardly a winning review.

“You know,” Tia cuts in, setting her food back on her plate as she looks at me. And in her gaze is an open devotion that would have knocked me off my feet if I’d been standing. “I never dreamed that kind of love was real before now.”

Her delicate pianist’s fingers rest lightly on top of mine, and I take her hand, my heart drumming an unsteady beat. Then she levels me with a smile. Just as quickly, it’s gone as she turns to face Mayor Romney once more.

And his expression reveals as much astonishment over her open devotion as I feel.

“My Leo took me completely by surprise. And though I know he has a reputation to uphold, I don’t think he’ll mind if I tell you a little secret.”

Fuck. This can’t be good.

Tia leans closer to the couple, casting a wicked glance my way before she stage-whispers conspiratorially. “He’s actually quite a sweetheart.”

Before I can come up with a single thing to say, Mayor Romney bursts out laughing, the sound hearty and loud as his head tips back in uproarious mirth. Signora Romney laughs as well, her eyes dancing as she looks at me with newfound appreciation.

And suddenly, I feel as though the rug has been pulled out from under me.

“I assure you, my girl, your secret’s safe with me,” Mayor Romney says when he’s finally regained his composure. “And Signor Moretti, if you can win this charming girl’s heart, I assure you, it’s worth whatever price you might have to pay to keep it. Even if that makes you… sweet.”

My gaze shifts to Tia with newfound respect. She managed to soften the couple I’ve been working on for so long in just a matter of minutes. As she slides the bite-size portion of mozzarella, tomato, and basil off a cocktail stick with deliberate sass, I can’t help but appreciate her in a new light.

“I assure you, Mayor Romney, I have no intention of letting this girl go.”

“Well then, I wish you both the very best of happiness,” he says, raising his glass along with his wife as they toast us.

Perhaps it’s a fluke, but Tia seemed to wrap her mind around my reason for choosing this particular table, and she knew exactly how to help me without instruction.

The night carries on until well past midnight, and when the final guests depart, I’m astounded by the Guerra girl’s ability to hold her own in a crowd. She’s just eighteen and could charm even the hardest of men without a second thought.

Perhaps it’s her inherent innocence. Or maybe her sharp intelligence and quick wit. Whatever it is, she keeps it for the guests.

At the end of the night, I walk her to the door as our parents exchange pleasant parting words.

“Good night, Tia,” I murmur, brushing my lips over her knuckles as the high of our celebration makes it easy to play nice.

“Good night, Leo.” Her tone is cordial, her hand willingly accepting my touch.