“If I refuse the halfway house she can. Maybe doing these last few months behind bars wouldn’t be such a bad thing if that is my only option.”
Haize shook her head. The thought of him being away to finish up the last months of his parole still seemed too long. “Those months would feel like an eternity. I don’t want that to happen to you. I don’t think I could be away from you for that long.” She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “Rosie is gonna be fine with this. She has to be. You’ve worked so hard!”
The doorbell rang, pulling Haize away from Michael. They walked to the door together, inviting the woman inside. She held a clipboard and pen, already scanning the entryway as she made her way over the threshold. “Good evening. My name is Officer Rosie Kemp.” She extended her hand for Haize to shake.
“Haize Mullen. Welcome to my home.” She returned the gesture, noting how firm Rosie’s hands were.
“Haize Mullen. That name is familiar.” Rosie jotted something on her clipboard. “Don’t you work down at the mental health clinic?”
“I do. I’m an LCDC there.”
“So, you work with Mr. Brennan’s counselor.”
“Not directly. He’s in the building, though.”
Rosie nodded and wrote more things down. They went from room to room, her eyes scanning, looking behind doors and under beds. “Are you two in a relationship?”
Michael answered before Haize could. “We are.” Haize hoped honesty would be the best policy. Or it could totally backfire on them.
“How long?”
“A couple of months,” Michael replied.
“Is it sexual?”
“Yes.” Michael glanced at Haize and back at Rosie. “Listen, Officer Kemp. Can I explain myself? I know you’re viewing this as another toxic situation, but I’m asking you to please give us a chance. Haize has saved me. She’s pulled me through some hard situations. And this is far better than my brother’s place. 100 times better than a halfway house, and I believe you do know what I’m talking about. How many people do you typically revoke from those places?”
“Over half get sent back.” Her face was pinched like she had just eaten a sour pickle.
“Over half,” Michael repeated. “I’ve done well. I’m not using. Home by curfew. Attending all my meetings and appointments. I’ve kept a steady job. Unfortunately, that job doesn’t pay enough to rent a decent place. I’m asking you to give me a chance here.”
She poised her pen to write something else and looked up from her paperwork. “It would be nice to see a success story from time to time. We don’t often get those.”
“I can be one of those.”
“Your history is what makes me nervous, Mr. Brennan. Your promiscuity often leads to using. Women, drugs, drinking… and I’m going to allow you to live with someone who could trigger all that?”
Haize debated on whether she should mention her recovery but thought it best to keep it quiet. Two people in recovery together could prove fatal if they weren’t mature enough for it. Rosie might view them as immature and cancel the whole thing.
“I’m just asking for a chance. My first screw-up, send my ass back.”
“I will.”
“I know you will.”
She scribbled a few things on a sheet and tore it off, handing it to Michael. “This is your official address change sheet. This is where you will need to be after curfew, which will still be 8:30. This is where my home visits will happen. Get moved out of your brother’s place as soon as you can. I didn’t do many home visits at that address. Be assured I will do far more here. I don’t do second chances, Mr. Brennan.”
“Thank you, Officer Kemp. I appreciate you giving me this chance.” It looked like hundreds of pounds of weight had lifted off his shoulders, and Haize finally relaxed for the first time that evening.
They walked her to her car, hugging each other tight when they went back inside. His strong arms were comforting around her midsection, pulling her hard against his firm body. His knee slid between her legs, parting them, grinding against her clothes.
“Do we have time?”
The meeting! She glanced at the clock on the wall as she ground her hips on his thigh. They had fifteen minutes before the meeting was scheduled to start. “Damn it, there’s not, Mikey. The meeting starts in fifteen minutes. I haven’t missed one in years.”
“And I’m not gonna let you miss one now.” His hand skimmed down her side, cupping her breast over her shirt. “To be continued. And I mean it when I say, it’s gonna be the best yet. My gift to you for risking so much to let me stay here.”
She kissed him deeply, tongue sliding into his mouth, hand groping him where his desire wanted her. “To be continued, Mikey.” Pulling away from his embrace wasn’t easy, but she had to remind herself he now lived with her. She could have him as much as she wanted once the sun went down.