Page 45 of The Sun to Me

“Passion and desire override morals,” she replied. “I couldn’t say no. I wanted you more than I’ve ever wanted anyone. I let you do things to me that…” She closed her eyes and smiled.

“What? What did you let me do?” Michael laughed, feeling his erection grow harder when the sheets slid down, exposing one of her nipples. His mouth watered at the sight of it, and he almost dipped his head to suck on it.

“It’s the best sex I’ve ever had, Mikey. Forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest.”

“And you tasted very good,” he said, groping her breast. He couldn’t stop himself. “I don’t want you to feel like a bad person. You mention morals. What about this is immoral? We’re two adults who are attracted to each other.”

“You’re in a vulnerable position right now, Mikey. It’s too soon to take on a relationship. And I’m in a position to help you. Your sponsor. I’m a drug therapist. It’s unethical to sleep with clients.”

“But I’m not your client, Haize. I have a counselor. You’re just someone in the community who saw I needed help. We’re not legally bound by anything.”

“I just helped you relapse.”

“I haven’t used or drank a thing in a long time.”

She shook her head. “Sex. You just relapsed with sex. You’re a sex addict, too.”

He nodded and kissed her forehead again. “If you don’t want this to go any farther, I’ll leave. We’ll keep it professional.” It would kill him, but he’d do it for her. He cared for her more than any woman he’d ever been with, and he’d leave her alone despite his desire to be with her.

“Was this just sex for you, Mikey? Another piece of ass for you?”

She was insecure, and there was a reason why. A reason she seemed to not be ready to tell him, and that was okay. A lot of women were that way. Sex was a big deal to them. He couldn’t harp on her for asking the question, even though it hurt him to hear it.

“It wasn’t just sex, Haize. I’m trying hard to be good. The old me fucked around almost every night. I’ve gone months without sex. That’s a long track record for me.” He decided to omit his encounter with Marilyn not long after he got out of prison. It wouldn’t do any good and would only heighten Haize’s insecurities. “I care about you. I’ve been attracted to you since the moment I met you. If I just wanted sex, I would’ve made my move a lot faster than I did.”

“I’m sorry. I’m sounding crazy, Mikey.”

“You’re not. I understand why you’re hesitant about all this. We met in a professional setting. A parolee needing his paper signed to appease his parole officer. And here we are, lying naked in your bed together. You’re not a bad person for this, Haize. There’s an attraction here. I like you a lot. And I’m not gonna disappear on you because I got in your pants. I’ll back off if you want me to. And if you don’t, I hope there’s more getting into those tight-ass jeans of yours.” He nudged her and cupped her ass, pulling her closer.

“There’s more, Mikey. It’s not just about tonight. I’ve got a past, just like you do. I need to let you know about it before this goes any further. You might hate me after I tell you.”

“I can’t imagine ever hating you, Haize. I want people to forgive me for my past. I’ll never judge you for the things you did. I promise.”

She kissed his chin and up to his lips, her tongue probing inside, making him want her again. Breaking the embrace, she rested her head on her elbow and looked deep into his eyes. “I’ll tell you my story if you’ll tell me yours.”

Chapter Seventeen

“I’ll tell you my story if you’ll tell me yours.” Haize couldn’t believe she was being so bold, but she was lying naked with a man, tangled in his embrace, allowing his hands and mouth in very personal places she had rarely let anyone else in. What else was there to be embarrassed about?

“Deal. I’ll tell you my story. You know a little of it already.” His green eyes stared into hers, his five o’clock shadow so manly as he stared her down. “Who goes first?”

“I will.” She took a deep breath and held onto his hand. “My real dad ran off when I was a kid. I was like six when he left. I never saw or heard from him after that. My mom got remarried fast. Like a few weeks after it happened. As a kid, it didn’t occur to me that maybe my dad left because my mom was having an affair. But as I got older, I started to piece the puzzle together. She had been messing around with my stepdad for a while and my dad came home early one day and found them together.” She paused for a moment, attempting to keep the emotions at bay. Michael was focused on her, listening to her like she was reading him a book. “I don’t blame him for leaving, but I hate him for never trying to be a part of my life. I didn’t do anything, but I suffered the most.”

“Do you have any brothers or sisters?”

“A half-brother. My stepdad favored him, of course. His own flesh and blood, and a boy at that.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No need to apologize, Mikey.” She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him as close as possible. She felt safe like he’d protect her through the hardest part of her past that she was about to tell. “My stepdad molested me. Raped me. Over and over again. It started when I was about ten. It continued for several years.”

Michael’s strong arm held her tight. He didn’t say anything, but she could tell he was angry.

“I didn’t tell my mom at first. He just touched me. Made me do things to him. And told me he’d kill my mom if I said anything. Then one day, it escalated. The touches turned into other things. He hurt me bad. I cried and screamed for her. She never came to help.”

“Where was she, Haize? Was she there?”

“Most times it would happen when she was at work. She worked in the evenings and left me alone with him. I told her about it one day. She told me I was a liar and that I seduced him. That it was my fault.”