Page 12 of The Sun to Me

Standing, he grabbed his trash and buried it deep in the trashcan. The last thing he needed was Mitch asking tons of questions. He could tell his brother wanted him back with Marilyn, but it wasn’t going to happen. Maybe he’d keep her as a booty call, but Michael knew it never stayed that way. No strings attached was bullshit, and he couldn’t grow addicted to her again. It would open the door to all sorts of other damaging addictions that would lead him right back behind bars.

He heard Mitch’s truck door open and shut, and he sat down on the couch again and grabbed a magazine, flipping through pages as his brother entered the house.

“Hey. How’s it going?” He put his backpack down and went down the hallway. He worked for a farmer, though Michael wasn’t sure what his exact job was. Coming back into the living room, he sat down across from Michael and smirked. “What’d you do today?”

“Got a job. Reported to my parole officer. Got a lot of walking in.”

“I think you got a lot more in than just walking.” He smiled and held up the condom box. “This was out on my nightstand. I’m missing one.”

“You keep an inventory of your condoms?” Michael asked, laughing despite getting caught.

“It’s obvious when you don’t put them back where they were.”

“Sorry. Was sort of caught in the moment.”

“I don’t give a shit about the condoms, but I want details. C’mon, give them to me!” He motioned his hand for Michael to talk. “Details. Now.”

Michael took a deep breath. How much should he divulge? He never was one to give a play-by-play, and his natural high from getting laid was clouded by the fact that he possibly had a son he knew nothing about with a woman he had no desire to be with.

“I talked to Marilyn today.”

“Talked? Seems you did more than that.”

“Obviously. How long have you known I have a son?”

Mitch raked his hand through his hair. “Recently. Within the last few months.”

“And you didn’t think to tell me?”

“Wasn’t my place. I knew you made parole and were getting out. Hell, I guessed it. She never told me. Saw them at the store. He looks just like you. I put it all together.”

Michael sat forward and ducked his head. “I want a DNA test. I have to make sure. We both know how she likes to get around.”

“She’s married.”

Michael heard his brother, but it took a second for him to comprehend what he said. “What?”

“She’s married, Mikey. Been married for a couple years now.”

“She’s married?” He swallowed the bile in the back of his throat. “You wouldn’t have thought that today by the way she acted.”

“Yep. I think her husband wants to adopt Jace but there’s something with the courts saying you have to give away your rights first.”

Michael stood up and paced by the front window. He needed something to calm his nerves. A beer would do the trick. A nice shot of whiskey. What a day it had turned out to be. “Who is he?”

“Just some guy. He’s not from here. He moved here for her.”

“She cheat on him a lot?”

“Not that I know of. I guess just with you.” Mitch tossed an empty beer bottle in the nearby trashcan. “You two couldn’t keep your hands off each other. I guess that still rings true, even after all this time, doesn’t it?”

Michael scoffed. “I don’t wanna be with her. I just sort of… It’s been so long since I’ve had good sex that I just let it happen. I didn’t know she was married. I’d have never done it if I’d known. You could’ve at least told me she was married. Seems like you were trying to push her on me again. Like you wanted us back together again.”

“I know. I didn’t really want you together. But I wanted you to talk to her. You needed to know about your son.”

“So, her husband wants to adopt my kid, huh?” He balled his fists, feeling territorial over a child he hadn’t met yet. A child that might not even be his. “I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

“Get the DNA test. Start with that so you know for sure. One step at a time.”